Runner Q&A



  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    1 - Pavement. Trails are too easy to kill myself on ;)

    2 - any time between Labor day and Memorial day.
  • Tony_Von_Stryfe
    Tony_Von_Stryfe Posts: 153 Member
    I prefer trails, the ground is just easier on the joints. I don't mind a treadmill because I can watch a movie on my pad and it keeps me occupied
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    1.) Pavement, but I've never tried trail running so maybe I would like it! I hate the dreadmill and avoid it at all costs.
    2.) Since I've been in Texas for a full year, I can say running in the spring is my favorite. In Massachusetts, it was the fall. I miss my east coast fall. :(
  • nikkohli
    nikkohli Posts: 311 Member
    Anything but a treadmill. I can't go more than 20 minutes on a treadmill.

    I like all the seasons but winter--I just can't handle the cold. Really, anything below 60--I love to run first thing in the AM in the summer. The sun is shining, the whole day is ahead of me.....unfortunately, I can't get myself out of bed to do it regularly. :ohwell: :yawn:
  • teenie_71
    teenie_71 Posts: 44
    1) Anything but treadmill
    2) Anytime but summer. I'd rather run in the cold/rain than in the heat of the summer around here.

    Same goes for me!
  • TriNoob
    TriNoob Posts: 96 Member
    1.) I'd run through 12 inches of snow over a treadmill...hate them.
    2.) Anytime but 8:00min/mi pace becomes 11:00min/mi pace and I end up sweating out the Pacific in anything above 90 degrees.
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    1. Pavement - I really don't want to break my ankle a third time and I don't have access to trails near my house. I do a fair amount of treadmill running after weight lifting sessions and don't mind zoning out to some good old rock & roll for 45 minutes or so.

    2. Late fall - early spring - I do most of my running at 4 a.m. and there is just nothing prettier than the winter sky on a cold, crisp winter morning, or the glitter of a million points of light from the frost on the pavement under foot. Besides, Haley, my German Shepherd running companion, does much better in the cold than in the heat of summer.
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    Trails all the way. Dreadmill never ever ever!

    Spring, because the air is fresh, and life is returning to the woods.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Hey guys-looking for others who enjoy running...just some fun questions:

    1.) What is your preference: pavement, trails or treadmill? Why?
    2.) Favorite Season for running? Why?

    1 - Right now, pavement. I've been running for less than a year and I'm not exactly coordinated so I'm worried I'd hurt myself on the trails. Treadmill isn't even an option. Seriously...I've run outside when it's -10 F. I can't run on a TM to save my life.

    2 - FALL! It's my favorite season anyways but I LOVE running in it. The temperature is perfect, the sights are beautiful, and it just makes me feel amazing.

  • meganlight4
    meganlight4 Posts: 17 Member
    Trails are definitely my favorite, but anything is better than the treadmill.

    I love hot weather so summer is perfect for me !
  • parkerpowerlift
    parkerpowerlift Posts: 196 Member
    1.) What is your preference: pavement, trails or treadmill? Why?

    -Pavement is what I've mainly done. I just started running 6 weeks ago around the small town that I just moved to. When I used to have a gym membership, I never did running. And when I'd attempt to, it was painstakingly boring!!! I tried C25k last year and stopped after the first week, marking it up to having terrible lungs/being out of shape/etc.

    I started C25k all over again this summer, but actually stuck to it!!! I am on week 6! I run for weight loss, for activity and to get outside more, and to build a healthy habit :)

    2.) Favorite Season for running? Why? mentioned above, this is my first time really running, so summertime, I guess?! Hahaha. I hate the summer humidity, so I switched from afternoon runs to early morning runs! It's cool, crispy and nice outside in the early mornings. Makes me super exhausted by Friday and I need to catch up on sleep!
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    1. Pavement--because basically I can step outside my front door and start my workout! (No lost time traveling to the gym or the trails!). I hate the treadmill and will only use it as a last resort.

    2. I will rank my seasons: 1-fall; 2-spring; 3-summer; 4-winter. I am a southern gal through an through, so if the temp dips below 50, I have to really convince myself to go out! As for the summer, as long as I stay in the shade and the humidity is not TOO high, I do pretty well. Of course morning (before 8) is best if possible. Really, because the weather in my area is so variable, I can't say which season is best, more just go with the weather for the day. In the fall, winter, and spring it can be 45 one day and 75 the next! In the summer it is hot and humid pretty much every day.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I'm lucky to have recreation (paved - multi purpose) paths literally steps from my front door and get to run along the river 3 out of 4 seasons. I'd run in winter too but is' not plowed and the x-country skiers would probably kill me if I screwed up their tracks. We have great trails close by in Gatineau Park but I must confess to being too lazy to drive there when I have great running at my doorstep.

    My least favourite time to run is summer with the heat and humidity, colour me crazy but I love running in winter.

    Amen with the humidity. Sweating does nothing to help keep you cool. It's horrible. It's like running in a steam room. Saps every ounce of energy I have.
    30-50 degrees is PERFECT for me for running. Once it dips into the 20's it's not so fun... :/
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    1. Pavement - I really don't want to break my ankle a third time and I don't have access to trails near my house. I do a fair amount of treadmill running after weight lifting sessions and don't mind zoning out to some good old rock & roll for 45 minutes or so.

    2. Late fall - early spring - I do most of my running at 4 a.m. and there is just nothing prettier than the winter sky on a cold, crisp winter morning, or the glitter of a million points of light from the frost on the pavement under foot. Besides, Haley, my German Shepherd running companion, does much better in the cold than in the heat of summer.

    I feel ya-I have two boxers. They do NOT tolerate heat well, but seem to actually do well in the cold weather.
  • cwrig
    cwrig Posts: 190 Member
    New runner: I started on pavement and my knees complained loudly. Currently running on a ruberized HS track and knee pain has vanished. Going to do that for a couple months till my body gets stronger.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    New runner: I started on pavement and my knees complained loudly. Currently running on a ruberized HS track and knee pain has vanished. Going to do that for a couple months till my body gets stronger.

    I really do find there is a world of difference between pavement and trails.
    I'm hoping to get my housework, etc. done today so I can go trail running in the morning. My usual trail is paved (unfortunately) but if I have the time to spare, I have a gorgeous trail in the woods I love to run (goes down by a creek, etc). Biggest issue with trail running is uneven, roots, etc. I'd rather deal with that than my knees and hips screaming because of the pavement...but some mornings I don't have as much of a choice.