Hi... again

Some people are naturally thin... other not so much. I'm 24 and I've been doing this for a while (all my life?) I've always been called "heavy/fat/etc" I was not a thin child (although looking back I wasn't fat either! I promise. All my family members and classmates who called me fat were not only cruel, but just weirdos).

I've started using MFP a few times in the past... I feel kinda lame because I keep going back and forth. I have reached (re-reached) my all-time highest weight and I know I have to change something, so here I am.

Feel free to add me for support/encouragement.

Cheers from Dallas!


  • sarahharas5
    sarahharas5 Posts: 256 Member
    Feel free to add me for support! It's way easier with people cheering you on ;)
  • Mikameii
    Mikameii Posts: 6 Member
    I totally understand, I was alway "muscular/bigger than average" when I was young because I use to speed skate.
    Definitely will add for support :)