Thoughts on 1200 calories?

Hello Everyone ????

Just a little post on 1200 calories, honestly I am still hungry on this amount so I think I will up to 1400/1500 as if I am hungry 1200 isn't enough, what do you think of the 1200 calorie diet, is it working for you, do you lose weight on higher amounts?

Edit : I am 5,3 and 117 - 120lbs

Thank you!


  • Meredith8684
    Meredith8684 Posts: 681 Member
    It is way too low unless you are truly sedentary (like wheelchair sedentary). No wonder you're hungry. Check out your TDEE and reevaluate how much you actually need to eat. Just Google TDEE and put in your info, eat 15-20% or so less, and you'll lose weight.
  • chrs86
    chrs86 Posts: 151 Member
    I can usually eat way less then 1200 and not feel hungry even on days when I'm burning through 600-800 at the gym. I think it might depend on your weight and if your body is used to a a low cal diet.
  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    It depends on your current weight and height. I'm only 5 foot and 130, so 1200 should be good. Most of the time I eat less than that, mostly because I wake up so late lol.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Lord no, I couldn't survive on that. I ate more than that when I was trying to lose weight, around 1600-1800. Now I am over 2000 calories at maintenance and am having no problems with that.
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    If you can eat more and still question would be "why?" LOL. Not trying to be facetious, just not a huge fan of excessive restrictions. Get'cha grub on girl! LOL ;-p
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    1200 won't kill ya, but it's a little more difficult to get all your vitamins, nutrients/macros in at that level. If you're hungry, you def need to be eating more.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I think that even as a 5'2" person 1200 calories is not enough. My BMR is just under 1500... thus I need to eat at least that much... otherwise I will go off on a murderous rampage.
  • mandicambre
    mandicambre Posts: 3 Member
    I've been doing 1200 a day for a few weeks now (5'2 and 170 lbs.) It works well for me, but I'm really careful about what I eat: oatmeal for breakfast to keep my blood sugar level, snacks like almonds and bananas through the day, lots of vegetables, and lean proteins (chicken and ground turkey usually). I also make sure to get in all my water. But, I sit at a desk all day too.

    I think if you're hungry, make sure you aren't eating too many empty calories first. But at your weight, you likely do need more calories, and if you're eating right and still hungry, I'd bump it up. Good luck!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You are already towards the low end of healthy weight range, you probably don't need to be dieting, you probably need to be working on body recomposition instead.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Hello Everyone ????

    Just a little post on 1200 calories, honestly I am still hungry on this amount so I think I will up to 1400/1500 as if I am hungry 1200 isn't enough, what do you think of the 1200 calorie diet, is it working for you, do you lose weight on higher amounts?

    Edit : I am 5,3 and 117 - 120lbs

    Thank you!

    I know this wasn't your original question but out of curiosity why are you trying to lose weight if you already weigh that little?

    Even if you are small framed you are approaching underweight status. If you look pudgy or have high bodyfat at that weight it means you are very low muscle which means you probably should be eating a lot more and lifting weights if you want to improve your asthetic look and health.

    Eating 1200 calories is going to do the opposite of what you probably should be doing right now.
  • sharonedwards773
    sharonedwards773 Posts: 1 Member
    Great post! Thank you!
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    1200 is almost enough for dinner most nights...
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    You are already towards the low end of healthy weight range, you probably don't need to be dieting, you probably need to be working on body recomposition instead.


    If you're unhappy with your body I'd recommend lifting weights (or other resistance exercise) and eating at maintenance to very slowly lower your body fat percentage.

    As for 1200 calories, it was too little for me. I lost weight on 1420 plus exercise calories, and now even that number seems incredibly low to me.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    No. Just no.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Given your height and weight, 1200 calories is not terrible for weight loss.

    However, given your height and weight again, why are you going for weight loss?

    If it is a body image issue, where you still think you could lose a few pounds, you should lose them very slowly (1/2 pound a week tops) OR switch to a surplus and put on some muscle.

    This is where many people go wrong. They get down to their "Goal weight" and then still don't like what they see. This makes them try for an even lower number, eventually get overly frustrated at the difficulty, and give up or develop eating disorders.

    The reality is that muscle mass is a MAJOR contributor to body composition. You can gain 10 pounds of muscle and actually look 10 pounds lighter than when you started (a 20 pound spread!).
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    I can usually eat way less then 1200 and not feel hungry even on days when I'm burning through 600-800 at the gym. I think it might depend on your weight and if your body is used to a a low cal diet.

    And that's why your ticker says 23 lbs. to go still?
  • babyj0
    babyj0 Posts: 531 Member
    Hell to the no.
    I did start off this way, being sedentary and moderately active... I lost a few noticeable pounds. But then it just stopped, and I binged. I was cranky all the time and super tired. 1,200 is way too low for me, and for most.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Given your height and weight, 1200 calories is not terrible for weight loss.

    However, given your height and weight again, why are you going for weight loss?

    If it is a body image issue, where you still think you could lose a few pounds, you should lose them very slowly (1/2 pound a week tops) OR switch to a surplus and put on some muscle.

    This is where many people go wrong. They get down to their "Goal weight" and then still don't like what they see. This makes them try for an even lower number, eventually get overly frustrated at the difficulty, and give up or develop eating disorders.

    The reality is that muscle mass is a MAJOR contributor to body composition. You can gain 10 pounds of muscle and actually look 10 pounds lighter than when you started (a 20 pound spread!).

    ^^ This. At my highest weight I was 13 pounds heavier than I am now. My pants are two sizes smaller though. To drop two sizes in only 13 pounds is body recomposition, I have less fat and more muscle.
  • I am 5'7" and had gastric sleeve in March. I routinely eat about 1000 calories a day; sometimes less/more. We have to take a lot of vitamins, etc to meet our dietary needs... so, for someone not a bariatric patient... I would assume they would need substantially more.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    Given your height and weight, 1200 calories is not terrible for weight loss.

    However, given your height and weight again, why are you going for weight loss?

    If it is a body image issue, where you still think you could lose a few pounds, you should lose them very slowly (1/2 pound a week tops) OR switch to a surplus and put on some muscle.

    This is where many people go wrong. They get down to their "Goal weight" and then still don't like what they see. This makes them try for an even lower number, eventually get overly frustrated at the difficulty, and give up or develop eating disorders.

    The reality is that muscle mass is a MAJOR contributor to body composition. You can gain 10 pounds of muscle and actually look 10 pounds lighter than when you started (a 20 pound spread!).

    This all the way.