Not taking in enough calories.

Hi all. I was wondering how important it is to take in the estimated amount of daily calories. I am having trouble dropping weight. High protein low carb got me about 9 lbs thinner but nothing in about 10 days. I decided to try this approach.

I am walking and biking everyday.

I am a bit fearful about eating the 1200 calories and would like to hear some success stories. Scared to eat carbs too. But did start again yesterday.

Would love some insight.



  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Okay, first thing I want to mention is that 10 days without a loss is oftentimes nothing to worry about. Your weight isn't a static number and because of that weight loss is never a linear process. Your body can hold onto extra water weight for a variety of reasons (exercise, sodium, hormones, stress, etc) which can mask the fat loss happening in the background for a short period of time.

    The 1200 calorie minimum is more about making sure you're getting proper nutrition. The less you eat the more likely you are to be deficient in something that your body needs, whether it's fat, protein, calcium, iron, potassium, or other vitamins and minerals. You can look back through your diary/nutrition reports and see what you might be low on.

    As for success stories, I never dropped my calories below 1300 and I'm currently on 1700 calories a day and losing 1 pound a week pretty reliably, but based on your previous posts it looks like I'm a little taller than you (5'8"). You can play around with some different methods to calculate your calorie goals and see what kind of numbers they give you.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I am a bit fearful about eating the 1200 calories and would like to hear some success stories. Scared to eat carbs too. But did start again yesterday.

    I had a 1,000 calorie pizza for dinner last night. This morning I weighed about half a pound less than yesterday. Carbs are good for you. It's your body's preferred source for energy. Just stay within your calorie goal and if you're exercising each day make sure you eat enough to cover that too.
  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member
    Okay, first thing I want to mention is that 10 days without a loss is oftentimes nothing to worry about. Your weight isn't a static number and because of that weight loss is never a linear process. Your body can hold onto extra water weight for a variety of reasons (exercise, sodium, hormones, stress, etc) which can mask the fat loss happening in the background for a short period of time.

    The 1200 calorie minimum is more about making sure you're getting proper nutrition. The less you eat the more likely you are to be deficient in something that your body needs, whether it's fat, protein, calcium, iron, potassium, or other vitamins and minerals. You can look back through your diary/nutrition reports and see what you might be low on.

    As for success stories, I never dropped my calories below 1300 and I'm currently on 1700 calories a day and losing 1 pound a week pretty reliably, but based on your previous posts it looks like I'm a little taller than you (5'8"). You can play around with some different methods to calculate your calorie goals and see what kind of numbers they give you.

    This +1 great advice.

    Also sometimes eating too low of calories can slow your progress... IMHO. About a month ago, I was low on grocery's and still had about a week and a half before I got paid.... Needless to say I was eating about 700 cal. a day just to save on food. I didn't lose any weight by doing that. I actually wound up stalling myself. Once I upped my calories again, I started losing again.

    Carbs, Sugar, Fat they all sound bad, but your body NEEDS these things to function. As someone else mentioned. Carbs are good lol, Don't ever be afraid of any food... That's how eating disorders can manifest, then you will have a bigger problem on your hands than just weight. :indifferent:

    Edit: Typos :noway:
  • kim3dognite
    kim3dognite Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for replying everyone! Feeling better.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Low carb diets shed a lot of water weight. Alternating your carb amount when having low carbs will cause significant weight fluctuation in water. This can mask any weight loss.

    1200 calories is too low for some people and is not too low for others. It all really depends on the size of the individual (height and weight) combined with their age and weight goals.

    Any dietary changes you make will take time to kick in, as your body has magical ways of temporarily offsetting changes.

    So far, best advice I can give you, is to follow MFP, set realistic goals, and stay involved here on the forums... it keeps you pumped and logging in and counting.

    Feel free to ask ANY questions. But remember, this is the internet, and people love sarcasm even though we all know it translates poorly over the internet!
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    Weight loss doesn't occur over night, it's borne from consistency with calories in vs calories out.

    Also, because you don't have that much weight to lose, 2 lbs a week is too aggressive. The thinner you get, the more difficult it is to lose any more weight.

    I tend to manage 1200-1300 cals a day, but I have a desk job, which means I'm pretty sedentary most of the day. I've gone more than a week with no change or a gain, but all of a sudden I'll drop 3, and stay there.

    My advice? Get off the scale. Put it away, and focus on your intake and your general fitness/health. Eat what you need to fuel -your -body. Some people need more carbs, others more fats or proteins. The trick is discovering what does it for you.

    This is a lengthy process. If you're looking for an overnight remedy, you could always try meth. It makes your teeth lose weight too.
  • kim3dognite
    kim3dognite Posts: 5 Member
    HMMMM. Never thought about Meth. Maybe while I am at it I will mix in a little Crack....
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Hang in there OP, great advice all around here. ++++

    Meth huh, is it about to get breaking bad in here. *****!? j/k :P
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    Whenever I go Low anything I shed pounds like it's nothing. Then I stall.

    I think these diets empty you out of everything (including water), FAST. Afterward you play catch up to actually lose the weight in
    body mass and not just stuff you carry around.

    I lose best and most steady on a calorie deficit without favoring or banning any particular food group.

    That's just my experience. It may work long therm for others.
  • kim3dognite
    kim3dognite Posts: 5 Member
    Really enjoying all of the replies and you are all giving me hope. Thanks!