5ft 6 ladies what's your goal weight?



  • DebzNuDa
    DebzNuDa Posts: 252 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm 5'6
    SW- 161
    CW- 122-123
    GW-115 (gives me a little leeway 3 pounds for fluctuation at 118 personal ideal)

    Oh, I'm 58 (as of today)
  • lindaloo1213
    lindaloo1213 Posts: 283 Member
    ohaston wrote: »
    Opppps, from the looks of it ... this forum may not be for the big girls (lol) ... I started at 303, down to 232 (today). and first goal is ONDERLAND ... from there if I make it to 179 and don't look sick (because I do TRULY have extremely large bones, my ortho said that my femur is one the largestest he's ever seen) I will be fine with that.
    I don't think I will ever weigh 130s (fine by me tho).
    I started at 287, I have no desire to be in the 130's. It was tough to maintain 145 when I was there so thats why I feel 145-150 is enough for me. And yes onderland is my first goal. I have 12# to go!
  • kaitlynn968
    kaitlynn968 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'7" and my goal is about 130/140. Currently I'm 374 (lost 13lbs in two months so I'm quite happy right now)