Eating same thing every day...good or bad?

My diet is completely healthy. Healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, lean meats like chicken. I also run each morning as well for over an hour. And added weight lifting as well. But would eating the same things every day be fine to lose weight? I read somewhere that its a sign of an eating disorder because it can be taken as a ritual. Which is what anorexics have a lot of rituals they follow and I just don't want to relapse back into anorexia. I lose so many incredible friends from that awful struggle.


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    its fine as long as it allows you to get adequate macros along with the vitamins and minerals needed for your body the thrive.

    i think eating the same thing everyday is only bad if you are actually afraid to step outside your routine. i eat pretty much the same thing everyday and i feel i have a pretty healthy relationship with food, im sure its the same way for many others. but for a recovering anorexic i feel it could potentially be dangerous, just be sure that what your eating is enough, i would hate for you to slip back into your old eating disorder
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Health wise it is okay as long as you are eating a variety of food everyday and eating enough calories. If you are afraid of slipping back into old patterns you may want to speak to a professional about that.
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    Health wise it is okay as long as you are eating a variety of food everyday and eating enough calories. If you are afraid of slipping back into old patterns you may want to speak to a professional about that.

    THIS. Internet forums can't provide you with advice on this kind of thing - speak to a professional who can support you properly and look after yourself x
  • Togi11
    Togi11 Posts: 20
    I eat more or less the same things everyday. Mostly for convenience. But I also have to be fairly strict with myself because it's so easy to get off track. This is also why I rarely eat out. I refuse to make this more complicated than it needs to be.
  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member
    I try to eat the same thing everyday during the work week.

    But that's more out of convenience then ritual.
  • Aikigoth
    Aikigoth Posts: 40 Member
    Depends on who you are. A few long term studies have shown that eating the same lunch for a month will decrease your calorie consumption...because you get bored with it.

    Me, I could never do it. I love cooking and barely can stand eating leftovers- I want to make something new each time. My BF? It takes about 4 meals in a row to be the same for him to get bored. Mine you, he could eat a baked potato ever night and still be happy.

    I'd also like to point out that I have never met anyone in the Martial Arts community above 20 that eats 'completely healthy' all the time. The crazy fit 50+ year olds (including my Sensei) who can whip the dog $%^& out of us 20 somethings on the mat and out run like 80% of us, eat about 90% healthy. I think 4 years ago, Sensei decided he had gained an extra 10 pounds and dropped sugar- 90% of the time. We do birthday celebrations (and I'm the resident baker) and he always has a slice...even if it is small. And he never rarely shys away from a single beer at a social. He also mentioned once he eats a little dark chocolate eat day- 70% minimum.

    The point I am trying to make with that long, crazy paragraph is the people I respect the most for fitness don't do 100%- even when they are dieting. I do have to say talking to a counselor may be a good idea since you used to have eating issues.

    In one of your pictures, you seem to be standing with your legs under your shoulders and your thighs aren't touching in the much weight do you want to lose? What is your body fat %?
  • MrsGist
    MrsGist Posts: 3 Member
    I had a fitness teacher tell us to eat the same thing for one meal a day. Like oatmeal every morning for breakfast or a salad every day for lunch. Personally, I like a little more variety, but it does help to keep you on track, especially if that meal is super healthy. I feel like the same thing for every meal every day would be so boring, and if you eating on the lower end of the calorie spectrum you would probably not be getting enough nutrients. What about having 3-4 "go to" meals for each meal. (Like oatmeal, veggie omelet, and smoothie for breakfast). Then you can mix and match, keep on track, and not be missing out on certain nutrients?