Low Carb advice needed...PLEASE!!!!



  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Dude seriously 7g of carbs per day, how grumpy are you??? Are you surviving on butter? Sorry bro but that is extremely unhealthy.

    Not at all grumpy. I've never been grumpy, though. I am one of those annoyingly cheerful people. I consume a fair amount of butter, heavy cream, animals fats/grease, eggs, and cheese. How much fat depends on what else I have eaten that day and how many calories I consume that day. I have consumed a whole cup of heavy cream (about the equivalent of a whole stick of butter) in a single meal before.

    Unhealthy? Hardly. I have the blood test and other physical indicators that show otherwise. My total cholesterol dropped from borderline high (206) to good (158). My HDL went up, my trigs went down, my blood pressure went down, my resting pulse dropped from the low 80s to the high 60s. My weight is much improved. My waist/hip ratio went from over 1 to 0.86... etc.

    You may believe that eating low carb and high fat is extremely unhealthy. But, my results don't align with your belief.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    But the other numbers like my calories, honestly I hate to say it that's what I'm freaking about.

    I know I need to up my protien a bit I think. but I'll get there.

    100 g of carbs is a starting point that's what I want to stay under.

    100g of carbs - 400 cals
    60g of protein - 240 cals
    860 cals of fat to make 1500 total = 95g of fat
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    I'm confused. What are you freaking out about?
    because all I've ever known is to watch the calories, nothing else mattered, calories did. calorie in calorie out.

    Im learning though, this is all helping.
  • Cardio4Cupcakes
    Cardio4Cupcakes Posts: 289 Member
    I wouldn't be concerned about the calories. It seems like with low carb diets you focus on macro levels more, compared to calories.

    One piece of advice to give you is to pick a high protein or high fat- not both. Lots of people have success with high fat low carb, but most of the success comes when they're very overweight, compared to dropping 10-15 pounds. So don't get discouraged. I'm not a low-carber typically (only on non-gym days) but I've done a lot of research on diets.

    I looked at your diary, I think your carb levels are too high to qualify for a low-carb diet.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm confused. What are you freaking out about?
    because all I've ever known is to watch the calories, nothing else mattered, calories did. calorie in calorie out.

    Im learning though, this is all helping.

    thats still true... to lose weight you just need a calorie deficit... simple as that.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    70-80% of my diet calories are from fat. Don't be scared of fat, fat in food doesn't make you fat.
  • vinster345
    vinster345 Posts: 30 Member
    70-80% of my diet calories are from fat. Don't be scared of fat, fat in food doesn't make you fat.
    This. Fat doesn't make you fat. High sugar and carbohydrate does this is most (not everyone is the same).
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I agree with the previous poster - that is a lot of fat. Finding lower fat protein options will help you a lot.

    For example, yesterday you ate a total of 13 ounces of high-fat meat. And you also had a snack that included 5 Tablespoons of peanut butter. If you just cut that to a true serving of PB (2 Tblsp) that alone would have cut more than 250 calories and 20 grams of fat out of your day.

    If you want to eat low carb, you need to get more lean protein or your calories can't help but be high. Turkey, chicken, low fat dairy, eggs. You can still have some brisket or peanut butter too, but watch the portion size.

    I'm not good at figuring out proper calorie levels (it took me awhile to figure out mine) but it seems a lot of your calories are going to high fat proteins. So I bet focusing on getting them leaner will help bring your calories down if you need to. Good luck!

    If you really are trying to do low carb (althought it means different things to different people)...don't listen to this person when they tell you to eat more lean protein or low fat dairy. When you do low carb, you need to get your energy from fat instead. That's the upside. Skip the bun but eat bacon.

    If you are trying to get your overall calories down and want to stick to low carb, then lower your carbs for overall calorie deficit. If you want to just do overall calories, then you should lower the fat for the 40/30/30 break down for carbs/fat/protein. Which means less bacon but more bun.

    And P.S. carbs don't make you fat either. Too many calories...whatever they are.... can make you fat.
  • ashleyh3156
    ashleyh3156 Posts: 177 Member
    Not a registered dietitian, but have been doing low carb for around 3 weeks, I try macros at 70%fat, 5% carbs and 25% protein. I love it, my sweet tooth as left me and I'm much more satiated. Good luck!
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    Not a registered dietitian, but have been doing low carb for around 3 weeks, I try macros at 70%fat, 5% carbs and 25% protein. I love it, my sweet tooth as left me and I'm much more satiated. Good luck!

    This^^^ Same here.
  • Alamo0809
    Alamo0809 Posts: 95 Member
    I am not sure which program on PBS addressed the issue of "low responders" regarding weight loss. I think if you searched Michael Mosley | PBS you might find some good programs and videos. He also did a segment of 5-2 fasting plan... I have never even considered doing that but some people do. Seemed too extreme for me.

    It is important to remember that everyone is different. The women in my family who consider themselves "low responders" have had most success with high quality, fiber carbs, keeping them under 50 a day and low fat proteins, high quality oils such as olive. One is following the "paleo" plan and has had great success and feels fabulous. General guide lines... if you are having a hunger attack or craving... try to fill it with a protein choice such as low carb yogurt, cottage cheese and fruit etc I have been buying Stevia for sweetener so tend to get plain yogurt and sweeten it myself.

    Calm down, don't freak out or you will sabotage yourself. It is normal to rebel against making your good choices but over time you will find that if you forgive yourself, plan for the future temptation, take a little taste and throw the rest away so that you are not totally denying yourself what everyone else gets... eating right for you will get easier ... keep a good attitude.

    Eat well, my friend. :-)