Two Weeks Postpartum -- help me get started!!

Just gave birth to our first child July 12 and finally feeling a little more 'normal.' I gained 20# throughout the pregnancy, which I have lost as of last weekend. I am now at 119 and still steadily losing weight thanks to breastfeeding.

My concern is less weight related... my belly shrank considerably postpartum, but it is SOOOO weak! A true 'jelly belly.' I really want to increase my core strength and tighten everything as much as I can. Where do I start? I have a nice treadmill at home, an exercise ball, and some dinky 3-5-8# dumbbells, and no gym access for the time being.

Profile photo taken @ 2 weeks postpartum... note the 'pooch' lol


  • LernRach
    LernRach Posts: 286 Member
    Congratulations! Hope all is well... I"m not sure why the midwife didn't tell you this, but you are not meant to do any formal exercise until 6 weeks after birth. Sure you can go for a walk and stuff, but your body is really traumatised, we don't realise how much our bodies go through. If you start too early it could cause you to have diastatis recti - which is when your abs separate. (Many women have straight after birth, but it needs time to heal, if you exercise too quickly you could cause damage, meaning it will take you a lot longer to get them back to normal...)

    If I were you I would start with taking baby for walk, good for both of you. After your 6 week checkup with your dr, then start....

    Good luck
  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member
    WOW, you are doing great bouncing so fast back. Just start slowly, because your tissue is this with hormones, which keeps you loose. Start with easy exercises and go as you feel. I remember that my midwife recommended to wait at least 6 weeks, but if you feel great go for it.
    Your loose skin will shrink back in time. Just keep taking care of it with lotions and moisturizer and/or scrubbings.

    Again, you are doing great and just take it slow at this time......

    ......and congrats on your little one.:flowerforyou:
  • spinneyhex
    spinneyhex Posts: 54 Member
    I'd really give it a few more weeks before anything strenuous especially around the tummy area, lots of stuff happening g inside that you can't see. Start with walking a d getting your strength up first then after check up go for the weights.