
BigGeek Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself

I've been using this for a while now and thought I'd introduce myself on the message board.

A bit of history as to what led me to this point. In 2009 I enrolled in a bariatric surgery program at the weight of 480. After a year of waiting I had a surgery date of January 10th 2010. At this time I weighed 465. After getting mentally prepared for over a year and doing my best on a 1600 calorie diet I was DENIED that surgery for being 5 lbs off my goal. Mind you this wasn't in the doctors office this was after they gave me anti coagulants and I was in pre-op 5 min before my surgery. I was crushed and after being left by my fiance for a slimmer man, (she said my weight didn't bother her) I was back at my weight of 480.

Then through a friend and a video game (World of Warcraft) I met a wonderful girl in august. (We recently met in November) Though we were both shy I had a great time, though I know she is worried about me so I have resolved myself to loose this weight come hell or high water. As of yesterday I weigh 445 lbs. I'm trying to walk at least 2 miles a day if not more along with cutting out all fatty foods and sweets/sodas. I'm hoping to be at 350ish the next time I possibly see her in June.

That's my story thanks for listening.


  • Wonderfuly story GOOD LUCK and I admire you for taking the effort:
  • :) thats such a nice story.
    She'll be so surprized when she see's you next!
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Welcome and good luck. I can't believe you were denies while at the hospital getting pre-ops, Insurance companies, bah humbug. But you have come to the right place and found the right tools. Just log honestly and start moving, more and more as your able and you will see the changes you want to see.
  • Run4iiiiiit
    Run4iiiiiit Posts: 489 Member
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    Good luck =) !
  • NatureRunnerGirl
    NatureRunnerGirl Posts: 14 Member
    I wish you the best of luck! Feel free to add me to your friends too! :)
  • amy_p
    amy_p Posts: 82
    Welcome! This site is really great, and it appeals to the nerdy-side of me too :-)

    I'm a former-WoW player-- (moved on to D&D! )
  • Neuroticwench
    Neuroticwench Posts: 115 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You'll find a lot of wonderful, supportive people here. Feel free to add me as a friend!

    (I'm a WoW player, too! For the Horde!) :bigsmile:
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    Hey, I met my husband playing WoW!

    I admire your honesty! I wish you the best of luck in your weight loss journey! I know you will be able to do it and MFP is a wonderful tool to help you. It also comes with a wonderful community of people who are truly amazing if you choose to let them in to help you. :)
  • Don't just do this for someone else...do it for you...YOU ARE WORTH IT!
  • rescuepete
    rescuepete Posts: 58 Member
    You will definitely need to change your handle as you get closer to your goal. You'll be surprised at how the BIG geek disappeared and all that was left was the slim geek. I'm a gamer & a geek too, though never got into WoW. Plenty of other MMOs though. Good luck to you dude, and thanks for the intro! Feel free to add me as a friend as well.
  • LexiB001
    LexiB001 Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome! Its great that you found an inspiration :wink: wish you good luck! ( WOW player too):happy:
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