New Here

Hello all. I am a first time mom and struggling to lose the baby weight. Not too mention the added weight from simply letting myself go. I'll admit it. It happened. But I want to change because I want to have a long healthy life with my little girl. I am 5ft and 160 pounds. I was 137 when I got pregnant (and on weight watchers) but WW doesn't let you stay in the program while pregnant. So I lost a bit of my way when I fell down the junk food rabbit hole. I'll be honest in saying I ate whatever was fast and quick this first 11 months of her life and most of it wasn't always nutritious. But, now that she is eating solids I want to be as careful with what I eat as I am with what I feed her.

Nice to meet all of you and be in an environment where there isn't judging. =)


  • atreides42
    atreides42 Posts: 51 Member
    Welcome to MFP! My kids were a huge motivation for getting me off my butt and losing weight.
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    I'll help encourage you! Feel free to add me!