do i need to count calories to lose weight?

I have been researching for days on this topic.
ive read that you must burn more calories than you eat in a day to lose any weight which to me sounds insane.
ive also read that calorie counting is pointless.
Im really confused…i am 123lbs 5'2' and i want to lose ten pounds and really tone.

I have cut out all junk and processed foods and am eating a healthier lifestyle but my question is with my healthier diet and exercise during the week will i lose weight? or do i really need to count?


  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Your body burns calories by just existing. Your body is like a machine and needs X amount of calories to function properly. So, say you maintain your current weight at 1900 calories. If you eat 1800, you'll lose weight.

    Whether or not you count calories. Calories matter. It's science and stuff. Thermodynamics.

    Erm, counting calories just makes it easier because you're actually 100% aware of how much you're taking in.

    Eating "healthy" is subjective. You can eat as healthy as you want and still gain weight if you eat more than your body requires.

    With so little to lose, it would probably be beneficial to count to see what your intake is.

    If I were you, I'd take it slow. About .5 a lb a week, maybe pick up some resistance training, ideally heavy lifting with a barbell routine. Focus on mirror and measurements over the scale. Maintaining muscle is what will "tone". Also, if you get down to goal and are still unhappy. A slight surplus and bulking will help.
  • DanielCathers
    DanielCathers Posts: 53 Member
    I have cut out all junk and processed foods and am eating a healthier lifestyle but my question is with my healthier diet and exercise during the week will i lose weight? or do i really need to count?

    You don't have to count, but you probably will want a strategy. Your terms for "junk" and "processed" and "healthier" are awfully vague. Get specific with what you are actually going to eat. Do some research, develop a strategy, do some more research, and then research some more.
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    Your body burns calories by just existing. Your body is like a machine and needs X amount of calories to function properly. So, say you maintain your current weight at 1900 calories. If you eat 1800, you'll lose weight.

    Whether or not you count calories. Calories matter. It's science and stuff. Thermodynamics.

    Erm, counting calories just makes it easier because you're actually 100% aware of how much you're taking in.

    Eating "healthy" is subjective. You can eat as healthy as you want and still gain weight if you eat more than your body requires.

    With so little to lose, it would probably be beneficial to count to see what your intake is.

    If I were you, I'd take it slow. About .5 a lb a week, maybe pick up some resistance training, ideally heavy lifting with a barbell routine. Focus on mirror and measurements over the scale. Maintaining muscle is what will "tone". Also, if you get down to goal and are still unhappy. A slight surplus and bulking will help.
    Perfect answer.
  • lukewind
    lukewind Posts: 177 Member
    Almost no one can accurately gauge the calories they take in per day (without tracking) unless you constantly eat the same thing. There are diets that do not require calorie counting but they are the kind of diets that are hard to stay on and most people just end up failing and regaining the weight.

    Also remember that you have a BMR, which is how many calories you burn if you just stayed in bed all day and did nothing. Add in your exercise and then set a goal to eat 500 calories less then you burn a day or more if you want to lose more. Do that and the weight will come off. It just takes time. I have been doing it for a year and a half and lost over 150lbs. All done with calorie counting.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    Your body burns calories by just existing. Your body is like a machine and needs X amount of calories to function properly. So, say you maintain your current weight at 1900 calories. If you eat 1800, you'll lose weight.

    Whether or not you count calories. Calories matter. It's science and stuff. Thermodynamics.

    Erm, counting calories just makes it easier because you're actually 100% aware of how much you're taking in.

    Eating "healthy" is subjective. You can eat as healthy as you want and still gain weight if you eat more than your body requires.

    With so little to lose, it would probably be beneficial to count to see what your intake is.

    If I were you, I'd take it slow. About .5 a lb a week, maybe pick up some resistance training, ideally heavy lifting with a barbell routine. Focus on mirror and measurements over the scale. Maintaining muscle is what will "tone". Also, if you get down to goal and are still unhappy. A slight surplus and bulking will help.

    yep. whether you count them or not you will be eating and drinking them. so why not keep track of how much you take in.