Looking for 30 Minute treadmill Interval Workout

Hey I have time for 30 minutes on the treadmill during my lunch break.
I am trying to make the most of it. I have heard that doing intervals is good for this. Anybody have a routine I can follow?


  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    Progression runs are good, too, and a little easier to do without programming the treadmill. Start at a pace slower than your usual pace, and bump the speed 0.1 or 0.2 mph every five minutes. For example, I usually run about 7 mph, so I'll start at 6.2 mph and bump 0.2 until I finish at 8 mph (which is actually a 60 minute workout with warmup and cooldown).
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    how much are you willing to sweat?

    lots of sweat i like either of the following (depending on which bra i'm wearing) i hate treadmills and this is pretty much the only way i can tolerate it:

    Hills : keep the speed at a comfortable WALKING pace you can do for 30 minutes , but crank the hill up to as far as you can without having to hold on. walk for 15 seconds then hop on the sides for 15 seconds. when your rest is done, hop back on and walk.

    i'd suggest a 5 minute warm up and cool down for this too

    B. running. jack the speed up to a pace you can run for 15 seconds but will leave you a bit out of breath (NOT HIIT). same as the hills, run for 15 seconds, rest for 15 seconds.

    definitely do a warm-up and cool down for this. i usually do a slow jog that builds up a bit more to my work speed

    one day when i'm fitter i'm going to combine the two and do hilly runs !
  • ponyvillalobos
    ponyvillalobos Posts: 37 Member
    thanks, guys.:smile:
  • ponyvillalobos
    ponyvillalobos Posts: 37 Member
    i am willing to sweat!!! my life schedule has changed. i used to hike 5 miles a day with big incline. i sweat a ton, it was hard! now i am feeling like i won't get nearly enough of a workout with 30 minutes seeing my hike was way over an hour...about and hour an a 1/2!!