
Hi there. I just wanted to introduce myself and hopefully kind of amp myself up to losing some weight. I've tried to lose weight before with little to no results. I have a tendency to start strong and then fizzle out. I'm hoping I at least become more conscious of how much I'm eating and to exercise more if anything.

My challenges that I'm facing are:
1) I don't like healthy foods like vegetables. And if I don't like it I have a hard time eating it.
2.) I can be pretty lazy. Finding the drive to go out for a jog or a run can be daunting.
3.) I don't have much money, so I tend to stick with my old habits of buying the cheapest(yet not the healthiest) foods.

I am hopeful though that I can overcome this and trim down my waist. I am 5'6 and I've been a steady 130lbs for most of my adult life. I've had this gut that I just can't seem to shake, and I would love to get into a swimsuit and not feel ashamed about my body anymore. So I've got fingers crossed that I'll be able to stick with this site and at least keep of a record of my progress no matter how slow going it might be.

Does anyone have any tips on keeping up with a diet and not just giving up on it like I usually do?