Got my FT7 - and wondering how much I should be eating?

So I've been pretty much a couch potato for the last 2 years, finally decided to get up and do something.
I'm 5' 2.5" and about 166lbs goal 135-125
My BMR according to fat2fittools is around 1570 so I just rounded up to 1600 for my calorie goal.

The thing is I know you can eat back some exercise calories, but should you/ do you have to if you exercise more?
At this point I'm perfectly comfortable and full at my 1600 -- not at all hungry--

BUT with the HRM the calories it telling me I've burned 900 calories today alone during my training sessions freaks me out a bit.
I know there's a chance of up to like 30% error, but even 630 seems really high and makes me feel like maybe I should be eating more...?

(The 30 day shred is kicking my butt and getting my heart rate to a max of 197, average of 170
Also have been doing Just dance for about an hour- max 180 av. 160)

Any knowledgeable people willing to tell me what I should do?
Or people that around my height/weight and have lost some weight that want to put in their 2 cents?

Thanks in advance!


  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Since you're comfortable and not starving currently, Personally I would do the 1600 knowing full and well I can eat more if I ever felt like it. You should probably try to make sure you're getting enough protein. Various recommendations out there, but let's say .8 g of protein per lb you weigh which would be a little over 130g per day. That way you'd at least be consuming enough protein to repair your muscles as you work out while eating at a possibly sharp deficit
  • tebe0005
    tebe0005 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks! :)
    For now I guess I should switch out some of my sweet treats for eggs, yogurt, and cottage cheese.