Down 100+, up 30, starting over

Kate_Bot Posts: 19 Member
Hello everyone!

I've been lurking for a while. I've gotten a lot out of reading what others have been working on, but it's probably time I started to actively engage. So, here goes!

I have a similar story to many MFP-ers. II'm 30sih. I was always overweight/obese as a child and an adult. I got married young, when I was close to 300 lbs. I'm from the Midwest from a heavy, inactive family, and always thought that I was just destined to be fat, that I could lose weight through extreme dieting, but that there were just naturally thin and fit folks, and I'd never join their ranks. In addition to the weight and sedentary lifestyle, I was also unhappy in life.

Four years ago, I decided to work on the life thing. I packed two suitcases and left for the West Coast. Two years ago, I decided to work on the weight thing. I started Weight Watchers. I didn't believe it would work, but I decided to go through the motions in a last-ditch effort.

Well, that backfired. I lost 120 pounds, went from a size 24 to a size 4-6, and learned that it was the choices people made, and the effort that they put into themselves, that made the difference in terms of weight and fitness. Unfortunately, I used life events as an excuse to give myself more "flexibility" with eating. That snowballed into bad habits, and have put on 30 pounds in the last year. Yikes!

So, here I am again. It's a weird place. For most of my life, I would have given my right arm to be at my current weight. Now, I have different points of comparison. 30 pounds ago, I felt better. I was mistaken for a runner. It took less effort to look polished at work. I know what I'm missing.

So, now I have to work to get back there. The good news is that the last year hasn't been all bad. I have found out I love cardio classes and yoga (who figured?). And, I'm inspired to get strong and just started strength training.

So, here it goes again. If you've been in my situation, or just want to say "hi", I'd love to hear any advice you have.


  • Mhgretsch
    Mhgretsch Posts: 259 Member
    I have yo-yo'd several times over the years myself...mostly in my 20s and early 30s. Now that I'm looking 45 in the eye, I've gotten serious about getting back in shape and paying attention to what and how much I eat. It's taken me 6 months to lose 35 pounds, and I've got 15 more to go. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like, and best of luck on your journey!
  • pds06
    pds06 Posts: 299 Member
    You did it before. You know you can lose it but we all struggle with keeping it off. I wish I had the majic answer but it comes from within. And never saying " the heck with it". Best of luck on your journey.
  • Kate_Bot
    Kate_Bot Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement!

    "And never say 'the heck with it'" <--- This is especially good advice. :)
  • DeeJayShank
    DeeJayShank Posts: 92 Member
    If you already lost 120 pounds before, then you are already equipped with the tools you need to lose 30 pounds. It should be a walk in the park.

    Just focus on the things you can control (food!) and don't worry about the things you can't (missing exercise due to a scheduling conflict).

    Allow yourself to slip up every now and then. But don't ever let one slice of pizza turn into a whole pizza.

    When you feel a food craving coming on, remember how you felt when you were a size 4-6, and how much more fulfilling that is than the food you're about to scarf down.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Welcome it sounds like you've made the lifestyle change, now all you need to do is the calorie consumption routine.

    Calories in versus calories out!