Thankful for food I DON'T like...



  • Audi68
    Audi68 Posts: 113 Member
    I am so thankful I don't like anything that is breaded and deep fried or even just plain deep fried including french fries. I worked at burger shop for 5 years as a teenager and every thing was deep fried there. I also don't like reese cups or any thing with nuts in it and any kind of "flavored" chip. Just give me plain old Lays. It makes it easier to shop for my husband because he is a spicey chipaholic plus he loves reese cups.

    I do love brussel sprouts though :love:
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I am thankful I don't like brussel sprouts. Every year my new years resolution is to not eat them. Every year I accomplish my new years resolution. woo.gif

    Hey someone with the same resolution as me! Add broad beans to my no nos :sick:
  • rachelblank427
    rachelblank427 Posts: 180 Member
    Wow I didn't know there was so many fellow mayo haters! I hate mayo, the texture, they way it looks, they way it giggle. YUCK. I don't hate a lot of things but here is my list.

    Brusell Sprouts
    2%, 1%, Skim Milk and ANY Milk that comes out of a box (I only like Whole milk in a jug)
    any thing that has BBQ sauce
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    + 1 on the cheese hating. That goopy stuff is nasty and all fat, some calcium, lol! ;)
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    *Fast food hamburgers make me ill just thinking about them. Except when I am pregnant, then for some reason I love them. And White Castle, it's so nasty but I love a good White Castle a couple times a year!
    *mayo - HATE it! Despise it!
    *pop - drink it probably 10 times a year. Usually only at events like a Bday or holiday picnic or something and then usually just one cup.
    *I was lucky to be 9 weeks pregnant over Halloween this year and I still have not touched more than 5 pieces of my son's candy! I HATE candy when I am pregnant. I had been ready to put on at least 3 lbs over Halloween!
    *Cheesecake! - I have been blessed to HATE cheesecake!

    unfortunately, I LOVE ice cream! :)

    PS, my new years resolution last year was to gain weight. I figured it was win win - I either did not and was happy, or did, and met my goal :laugh: (I did NOT keep my resolution :happy: )
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I'm thankful that I don't like melted cheese, even if I am getting sick of explaining myself to people.

    "WHAT? YOU DON'T LIKE MELTED CHEESE? But... does that mean you don't like pizza?"
    "No, I just order pizza without cheese."
    "Not if you don't like melted cheese, it isn't..."
    "What about nachos?"
    "I make them without cheese."
    "BUT THAT DISQUALIFIES THEM AS NACHOS! What about...(insert another food that can be made without melted cheese)?"
    "I make it without cheese."
    "Okay, look. You don't like broccoli, right?"
    "So you don't eat stir-fry?"
    "I just make it without... ooooooh."
    Don't hate me, but I made that same quizzical face of mystification just reading your post. If I knew I wouldn't be arrested, I smother myself in melted cheese and run around like...willy.gif


    **me too** :blushing:
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I'm thankful that I don't like melted cheese, even if I am getting sick of explaining myself to people.

    "WHAT? YOU DON'T LIKE MELTED CHEESE? But... does that mean you don't like pizza?"
    "No, I just order pizza without cheese."
    "Not if you don't like melted cheese, it isn't..."
    "What about nachos?"
    "I make them without cheese."
    "BUT THAT DISQUALIFIES THEM AS NACHOS! What about...(insert another food that can be made without melted cheese)?"
    "I make it without cheese."
    "Okay, look. You don't like broccoli, right?"
    "So you don't eat stir-fry?"
    "I just make it without... ooooooh."
    Don't hate me, but I made that same quizzical face of mystification just reading your post. If I knew I wouldn't be arrested, I smother myself in melted cheese and run around like...willy.gif


    **me too** :blushing:
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I'm another of the 6 that keeps the Brussel Sprout industry alive (LOVE them!).

    I was trying really hard to think of things I hate (or won't eat) and the list is short... (could be why I'm here)

    For most of these there is good reason I won't touch the stuff:

    Headcheese. (Texture- it doesn't taste terrible I can't handle the gelatinous texture)
    Pickled Pigs Feet (Can't get over the feet thing)
    Pickled Eggs (I just don't get it)
    Tripe (Or anything with tripe in it. it tastes like the barnyard floor- blech)
    Regular Mayo (I will do a TINY bit of FF Miracle Whip in my tuna or chicken salad)
    Jello (it's a texture and ingredients thing)

    That's pretty much all I can think of...
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Fortunately, my children share my love of brussels sprouts! I am thankful I despise processed cheese... But a good sharp cheddar, and I'd be smothered, too!
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Neat post! Here's my list:

    - ice cream
    - candy (non-chocolate)
    - dark chocolate
    - pineapple upside down cake (not sure why, but I don't like it)
    - coconut (loathe it, which makes it easy for me to refuse a wide-variety of baked goods)
    - milk (but I love cream!)
    - cereal
    - pastries
    - soft drinks
    - nachos, tacos, burritos, etc
    - pasta

    I have a strange list lol. I'm not a big dessert eater, not much for sweet things at all. I'd rather have a glass of dry red wine.

  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Neat post! Here's my list:

    - ice cream
    - candy (non-chocolate)
    - dark chocolate
    - pineapple upside down cake (not sure why, but I don't like it)
    - coconut (loathe it, which makes it easy for me to refuse a wide-variety of baked goods)
    - milk (but I love cream!)
    - cereal
    - pastries
    - soft drinks
    - nachos, tacos, burritos, etc
    - pasta

    I have a strange list lol. I'm not a big dessert eater, not much for sweet things at all. I'd rather have a glass of dry red wine.


    See, that is part of my problem. I'd eat the chocolate AND drink the wine! :drinker:
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Hahaha, yeah, I'm glad the only chocolate I like is the kind with stuff in the middle. Cherry and orange filling are my favorites!

  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    i dont like sweets at all. i've never had a sweet tooth. when i was a kid i wouldn't even eat my own birthday cake ha ha ha

    I am glad that I am not alone. I don't hate sweets, chocolate included, but I can live very well without them. If I eat any sweets it would be a very small portion, once in a blue moon, and I will be done with it. More makes me sick. Don't care much of ice cream.

    I don't care much for mayo either, I prefer hummus in my sandwich. Don't care for macaroni or potato salad, but I do like potatoes.

    I do like brussel sprouts and all kind of veggies, and cheese.:wink:

    I HATE CINAMMON!!! even the smell makes me sick and nausated.:sick: And I know that I have an allergy to it too.
  • priskar
    priskar Posts: 156
    There isn't much I don't like but I do have a short list:

    french fries & most potato stuff (but not all potato dishes)

    cooked spinach (ugh!) but raw spinach is awesome!

    melted cheese - gawd, I have to agree! On most things I ask for it to be left off like onion soup, baked pastas, etc. When eating pizza, if there's a lot on top, I'll pick most of it off. It just get's plastic-y feeling/tasting.

    anything smoked (except for salmon)

    scallops - I know that almost everyone loves them but there's just something about them. I love everything else under the sea including sea cucumber, crawfish, seaweed, all sushi, etc. Just scallops.

    As for Brussels Sprouts... I LOVE 'em!! They're great roasted in the oven. Mmmmm!
  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    This is interesting!

    I will NOT eat:

    *Most condiments, don't really know why but especially mayo (has to be the SICKEST thing ever made)!
    *Anything made with mayo - egg, chicken, potato, macaroni salads
    *Pork - maybe a strip of bacon now and then, but I prefer turkey bacon
    *Fast food - Chick-Fil-A is the ONLY will NEVER see me in a drive-thru other than there <shudders>
    *French fries - very rare I eat them
    *Coconut anything
    *Pies - chocolate mousse is the only one I'll eat, all the fruity ones and key lime, etc have no appeal to me
    *Peanuts, walnuts, etc - I like them plain sometimes but not mixed into my food
  • why the mayo hate? i LOVE it!! mayo on french fries is about the best thing i can think of. but i haven't had real mayo in a very very long time (just reduced now) it's a good thing i'm not big on sweets, except carrot cake...and for my birthday my mother-in-law made one just for me. sabotage i say!!!
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