
First post. Hello. Quick story what got me here. I'm 33 and I tend bar and occasionally work in a pizza shop. I've been heavy all my life. All of my clothes were getting too small (again). I was feeling awful all the time and little did I know, I was almost 400 pounds. At the end of March I downloaded the app and joined a gym. I completely changed my lifestyle. That meant quitting drinking nearly every day and eating complete garbage for every meal. I went to the gym instead of the bar and all the weight started flying off.

So here I am a mere 4 months later and I've dropped almost 100 pounds. Like I'm 6 pounds away. I still have quite a ways to go but I've finally hit a wall as far as the weight loss goes. I'm still eating well and going to the gym daily. Doing cardio and lifting weights. Still no booze. I figure that I am starting to build muscle and don't have all the water weight to lose anymore but I thought maybe finding a forum with other people who are going through exactly what I'm going through might help.

So, again, hello. Can't wait to dig into all of the helpful threads here and feel free to add me.


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Wow, and, good job! We sound quite similar! I'm working on the last 25 but have already started building muscle mass! Feel free to add me.
  • sedmach
    sedmach Posts: 6
    I would still like to lose quite a bit more weight but man has it slowed to a crawl. I'm not discouraged but it would be great to hit that 100 pound milestone.