Hi I am new!

Hello, I just started using the site a couple weeks ago. I really like it. I have been diabetic for 20 years and have always taken insulin that the doctor would prescribe and never listened to the words he was saying about excercise. In 3 weeks of keeping track of my food and excercise as well as joining the gym I have cut my insulin use in half. I always felt like I did not have any time for the gym and when I did take time I would feel guilt because I was taking time away from my family. I have come to realize that by not taking that time I was causing the time I was spending with them to be less enjoyable. I am not doing this for the weight loss. I am doing it as a new way of life. I have tried several diets over the years that caused me to fail. I am in a game with myself I will only fail if I quit. Thank you to everyone who has posted on this site as many of you have greatly inspired me.


  • Audi68
    Audi68 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi there!! Congratulation on your insulin reduction!! That better than a scale any day.
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
  • Terriberry
    Welcome! That's awesome about the insulin! Keep up the hard work.