How do we Determine Target Heart Rate?

The cardio machines at my gym (and most gyms, I presume) have pulse monitors on them. There's a little gauge that says when I'm warming up, in fat-burning mode, cardio mode, peak, or high - all based on my heart rate. If I want to lose weight, I'm guessing I want to try to keep my pulse in the fat-burning area? Is that right? Can anyone explain to me what this heart rate stuff is all about?


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You really dont need to worry about the different zones, thats a bit out-dated.

    Work out at a rate which allows you to complete your workout.
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    How I always understood it...was the heart rate and your breathing correlate...and basically the harder you work the more calories you burn. the lower range would be fat burning because it's sustainable but more than your normal, and so it'll burn through fat stores. Where as when you interval or have a high heart rate, that's going to be less fat burning but more on the cardiac health side of things.

    I did an awful job explaining that, but that's basically how I was told. I did a test once with the mask that matched my breathing to my heart rate to figure out more accurate zones for me since I'm overweight and don't fit into the average currently. But I dunno how beneficial it is besides as a more accurate way to calorie count your burns?
  • SsetAdnama
    SsetAdnama Posts: 106 Member