
Hi everybody!

I'm Denise and I'm relatively new to ACTIVELY using MFP.

I'm 5'8" and I weight 230 which is the most I've weighed since having my daughter in 1998.

I do go to the gym and workout at least four days a week; however, staying away from all the "bad for me" food is my weakness. I thought I was eating healthy and making wise choices until I started logging my food. Now I realize, even if it's healthy, I can't eat it

I need to change the way I think about food. I need to stop loving food so much. If anybody can help with that, PLEASE DO!

I'm hoping to meet wonderful people with the same goals as me who can keep me encouraged while I spread encouragement back.


  • RinaIvanna
    RinaIvanna Posts: 9 Member
    Add me. I've have an account of here for a while now. It's time to actually put in work this time around :)
    Feel free to add me.

    Yeah logged in the food everyday is hard, but someday are better then others.