Switching Careers...feeling lost.



  • otter090812
    otter090812 Posts: 380 Member
    I moved from a 10-year career in finance to horticulture, aged 32. I retrained, and I didn't feel out of place at college. I was lucky because I could make it work financially.
    25 is young. If you want a change you need to make it happen, and that may involve going back to education.
    Have you considered horticulture by the way? You'll never earn a fortune, but it's hands-on and if you go into the wholesale plant production side you don't have to deal with the public all that much.
  • lessbounce
    lessbounce Posts: 250 Member
    Changes in careers is never a problem. You do need to be prepared to take a bit of a wage hit, I've found it easier to start right at the bottom and retrain whilst i'm doing that, rather than stop work to go retrain fully. I have found a job that I really like (finally) it's also one which has a good career path so you do a get a bit of a change everynow and again :happy:. One of the things I enjoy about my job is that technology constainly changes so there is always something new to learn.

    So to recap
    Classically trained musician
    Corporate Enterainment Management
    Debt Recovery/Repossession
    IT Management.
  • gym_king_carlie
    gym_king_carlie Posts: 528 Member
    I understand this as I am about to leave a full time job that pays well compared to anywhere in comparison to where I am from, I want to go back to college/Uni and get a job health related working with people, I will have little money for a few years but I think its worth it, But I do understand the anxiety and fear it causes, sometimes in life you have to take such a risk and dive in head first.
  • red66stang
    With your medical background have you considered becoming a medical transcriptionist? You can use what you've already learned and not work much with people. It's easy to get into and pays OK.

    A couple other career options to consider where you don't have to talk much to people: salvage diver, crop duster, chicken farmer, ninja, airport baggage handler, roadside sign holder, prison executioner, mime, tree trimmer, golf course lawn mower...