


  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    they are survivalists (most are pretty good some aren't) who are out there to test their own physical and mental limits. yes they go into starvation mode due to lack of calories, but it is not a perm thing. they push themselves but have medics standing by in case of injury, hypothermia or other unforseen issues. watch the show and you will realize that they aren't doing the under eating on purpose. they do look for food...and do try to eat as much as they can.

    That and when the cameras stop rolling people give them food...

    I've never seen an episode, and I guarantee you this is true.

    So much this.

    I've lived off less than 1200 in 21 days before. I lost a lot of weight, yes. But at the cost of my sanity.

    Even after only 21 days, my cognitive functioning was already suffering, my temper was already getting testy, and I was already experiencing some of the symptoms that only get worse as the starvation becomes more prolonged (headaches, bloating, fainting...).

    lol I could definitely have not done a TV show without fainting while it was being filmed. In fact, the fainting and light headed feelings were the worst in the beginning (probably because you go from eating to... well, not eating).
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member

    i know that most things on tv are staged, but wow! puts a little different prospective on the show now..
    I think they had to step in, because vomiting for a prolonged period of time can cause extreme dehydration. Even though I'm sure the contestants signed waivers, the show has a responsibility to ensure they don't get to the point of no return, due to liability issues. The bottom line is, it's a television program, and we should expect them to edit to maximize viewer appeal and ratings.
  • Ferbabe
    Ferbabe Posts: 12 Member
    I'm simply not following your logic, OP. Yea, they starve themselves and lose weight. Is that a surprise? I'd be interested in seeing how much lean mass they lose because they get so few calories and a tiny amount of protein.

    To expound on this point:

    When losing weight, through any means, some of what is lost is lean mass, eg:muscle
    The less weight-bearing activities done and protein consumed during weight loss, the higher percentage of your weight loss will be muscle.

    To make it simple. Muscle burns fat. When you starve yourself you lose muscle. When you return to eating normally and put weight back on, the end result is an increase in body fat, a decreas in muscle, and lowered fat burning ability.

    Plus, if you starve yourself this way you have to eat less and less over time to continue seeing losses.

    I can hear some of the brains out there chewing on this and going....OK, if I starve myself and weight lift, then I will be ok! Nope. When we are starving, the body doesn't get enough protein to maintain muscle mass, much less build it. You still lose muscle. THERE IS NO WINNER HERE.

    Completely ignoring the hospital admission related results, you either end up either eating less and less to maintain a smaller floppy, flabby body, or gaining more weight every time you try to eat "normally" and having a big floppy, flabby body.

    Build muscle, eat real food, live life
  • 111YoYo111
    111YoYo111 Posts: 213 Member
    Maybe it depends on the individual as to whether their body will go into starvation mode or not. I recall a near starvation diet many years ago when I was consuming 200-300 calories a day and losing nothing. I was so frustrated I went to the doctor and she said if you want to lose weight you need to starting eating more. Darned if she wasn't right.
  • UrsSarcastically
    I've never seen the show but I've fasted for longer than this and I was never writhing on the ground and my body didn't do anything insane. People really underestimate what the body can handle. It was built to be able to withstand emergency situations like that. It's amazing what the body can do.

    My mental state was actually clearer once I got past a certain point. And I didn't lose a ton of weight during that time. However I did gain back what I lost once I began eating again.

    Overall it was a great experience but I believe that is because it was not done to lose weight but for spiritual depth, strength, and connection. However it does prove what the body is capable of.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I've never seen the show but I've fasted for longer than this and I was never writhing on the ground and my body didn't do anything insane. People really underestimate what the body can handle. It was built to be able to withstand emergency situations like that. It's amazing what the body can do.

    My mental state was actually clearer once I got past a certain point. And I didn't lose a ton of weight during that time. However I did gain back what I lost once I began eating again.

    Overall it was a great experience but I believe that is because it was not done to lose weight but for spiritual depth, strength, and connection. However it does prove what the body is capable of.

    After a bad breakup years ago, I lived on nothing but apple cider for two weeks and I dropped 20 pounds -- and I didn't weigh a whole lot to begin with.

    You fasted longer than 21 days and didn't lost much weight? Really?
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I know there is a lot of talk about going below 1200 calories to lose weight, stay healthy or whatever...Idk if anyone else does, but does anyone else watch the show Naked and Afraid?..Clearly those people are going below 1200 calories a day (yes I know it a TV show)..If the concept is accurate (being it's a tv show), how is that possible if they are going less than 1200 calories a day? This is simply some thoughts and questions of mine..any other opinions?

    Because it's short term and the human body is very good at dealing with short term deprivation. It doesn't mean it's healthy, it just means we can survive times of famine.
  • UrsSarcastically
    I've never seen the show but I've fasted for longer than this and I was never writhing on the ground and my body didn't do anything insane. People really underestimate what the body can handle. It was built to be able to withstand emergency situations like that. It's amazing what the body can do.

    My mental state was actually clearer once I got past a certain point. And I didn't lose a ton of weight during that time. However I did gain back what I lost once I began eating again.

    Overall it was a great experience but I believe that is because it was not done to lose weight but for spiritual depth, strength, and connection. However it does prove what the body is capable of.

    After a bad breakup years ago, I lived on nothing but apple cider for two weeks and I dropped 20 pounds -- and I didn't weigh a whole lot to begin with.

    You fasted longer than 21 days and didn't lost much weight? Really?

    Well I guess if you look at it from the point of view being that it was a short amount of time that I did lose it in. But back then I didn't think 14 pounds was a lot.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    I've never seen the show but I've fasted for longer than this and I was never writhing on the ground and my body didn't do anything insane. People really underestimate what the body can handle. It was built to be able to withstand emergency situations like that. It's amazing what the body can do.

    My mental state was actually clearer once I got past a certain point. And I didn't lose a ton of weight during that time. However I did gain back what I lost once I began eating again.

    Overall it was a great experience but I believe that is because it was not done to lose weight but for spiritual depth, strength, and connection. However it does prove what the body is capable of.

    After a bad breakup years ago, I lived on nothing but apple cider for two weeks and I dropped 20 pounds -- and I didn't weigh a whole lot to begin with.

    You fasted longer than 21 days and didn't lost much weight? Really?

    Well I guess if you look at it from the point of view being that it was a short amount of time that I did lose it in. But back then I didn't think 14 pounds was a lot.

    14 pounds in 21 days is an incredibly large amount.
  • arnostbilej
    Damn these threads! I had to go and watch a few episodes just to see what the fuss is about ... now I'm missing a few hours of my life that I'll never get back!