cant lose wth???



  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I have been lifting for 1 year and my legs and cellulite wont budge..i do lower days and upper days 2 times a week. I alternate days and run the other days..
    pisses me off and my legs are so sore.. i have noticed its really weird like my tummy is holding weight.i cant bugde it and my jeans have fit me tighter in my legs. Also my bowels suck. I have had a colonoscopy with no problems (thank god)..i eat prunes flax drink tons of water and go about 2 times a week

    if you eat like today, every day, you're likely not getting enough fat in your diet to help 'move' things through your bowels. It does make a difference.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    I read the responses… varied and extremes… have you consulted a doctor? a specialist? they may not have all the answers but they can tell you what's going on in your body… like if you're holding stool in your intestines…

    Cellulite… sometimes it can be lessened, and sometimes you have to live with it… go on line, read up…. get educated in the area of interest. sometimes massage can help loosen the fat and make it smooth. won't get rid of the fat… just smooth it… don't let people on here tell you what hype they're following as truth… you have to take responsibility for your learning about you.

    my brother seems to think he knows more about things than everyone in our family but a lot of things he says are bunk. Read. learn. expand your world and know what to do.
  • slomo22
    slomo22 Posts: 125 Member
    Talk to a nutritionist because your diet is absolutely terrible. If your friends think you have an eating disorder you should at least ask your doctor if your under weight and talk about your weight loss plans. If you really needto loose more weight you should eat more in the morning to get your metabolism going.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    if you eat like today, every day, you're likely not getting enough fat in your diet to help 'move' things through your bowels. It does make a difference.

    You need fats and oils to move things through your bowels.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    You are not overweight for your height. You also look very in shape to my eyes, from the picture I can see.
    That said, you need to be eating enough food and enough fat to produce bowel movements.
    You also might like to shake up your workout routine a bit and try something different maybe? I, personally, do a lot of boxing classes, as well as the odd run, cycling, walking, lower weight circuits and elliptical. I am also at 12% bodyfat. Same height as you.
    I suggest adding some healthy fats like olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds into your diet, get plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, and strive for balance.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I have been lifting for 1 year and my legs and cellulite wont budge..i do lower days and upper days 2 times a week. I alternate days and run the other days..
    pisses me off and my legs are so sore.. i have noticed its really weird like my tummy is holding weight.i cant bugde it and my jeans have fit me tighter in my legs. Also my bowels suck. I have had a colonoscopy with no problems (thank god)..i eat prunes flax drink tons of water and go about 2 times a week

    You workout that much and your diet consists of things like "9 almonds" and "6 apple slices"?

    Yeah, you have a problem with food honestly. You should probably seek counsel about that.
  • LadyMDei
    IF is intermittent fasting. I do intermittent fasting ,and I'm not constipated. But then again, it doesn't work for everyone.

    To the original poster, if you're not losing, is it possible you're eating a lot more than you think you're eating? It can happen. Also, 151 is in the healthy range for your height and based on your profile picture. It looks good on you.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    So today my diet is like this.

    40 minute hiit on the treadmill..530am

    venti quad espresso with sugar free vanilla and a splash of heavy cream (lowcarb)
    At noon i ate 6 apple slices.

    when i got home from work i had 9 almonds
    1boiled egg
    6 apple slices
    1tbsp peanut butter

    I will eat when we go to dinner
    i posted my diet from yeaterday..
    also i had 2 pruned steazed in water for constipation because i cant go!;(
    probably sweet tomatoes so a ton of salad
    Why cant i lose..?? Need an accountability partner

    I count a grand total of 300 calories in the description of your diet. Granted you don't mention what you have for dinner but unless what you have for dinner is a 1 pound steak and a pile of mashed potatoes with butter then yeah you have eating issues. Someone your size and age working out that much should be having 2000+ calories even for weight loss.

    You are exercising hard including HIIT and weight lifting while eating a horrible minimilist diet that is incredibly low in calories. Be honest with yourself, do you think this is healthy?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Assuming this post is in earnest, go see a doctor and ask for a referral to a psychologist specializing in eating disorders.

    There's no way you're getting adequate nutrition with the meals you've described in this and previous posts. You need protein if you want muscle. You need fat for many of the body's processes as well as to absorb nutrients. You need fiber (and fat) if you have constipation issues.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member

    Go get help - you have an eating disorder. Seriously.

    GO. GET. HELP.