Feeling demotivated- barely any changes!

I have been working out hardcore for about 6 weeks now and ate properly- loads of proteins, and some carbs and good fats (approx 1700-1800 calories per day- height 5 ft 2 in, weigh- 44 kg. I thought my abs are becoming more defined today, but when I looked back at my pictures before I worked out, they dont differ much! I dont really see much of physical changes but inside I feel that i am more fit and stronger. However, i feel extremely demotivated right now about my abs; i understand I am impatient and some people seemed to see changes faster than others, but the fact that I barely see any changes in me started to discourage me now... Am i eating or doing anything wrong?! Ive been doing t25,kayla itsines workouts (resistance), lifting weights for my upper body, join classes like body pumps, did ab workouts i found online that burns, cardio like running and HIIT sometimes ... Please give me some good advices? I aim for flat defined abs :(


  • melindabrock
    melindabrock Posts: 91 Member
    I work with two girls that are trainers and when I started this almost a month ago they told me to remember the 4-8-12 rule.. I had never heard of it but its this.... It takes 4 weeks for friends to notice a change, 8 weeks for coworkers and family to notice a difference and 12 weeks for you to notice a difference. Im not sure that will help but it does help me stay motivated :)
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    Do you have any idea of what your fat percentage is and how fast you are losing fat now? Maybe somebody here can give you some ballpark figure of fat percentage for your abs to be defined clearly. Then you can calculate how long it should take you approcimately? A realistic calculation of the time frame (Although it cannot be predicted perfectly probably) may help you to not feel discouraged in the meantime.
  • queenierz
    queenierz Posts: 210 Member
    I work with two girls that are trainers and when I started this almost a month ago they told me to remember the 4-8-12 rule.. I had never heard of it but its this.... It takes 4 weeks for friends to notice a change, 8 weeks for coworkers and family to notice a difference and 12 weeks for you to notice a difference. Im not sure that will help but it does help me stay motivated :)

    Aww, thank you! Yep, I heard of it before... two of my friends noticed the change in my arms and legs; they have gotten bulkier and more muscular, but they haven't seen my abs yet... My sister noticed my abs, but I don't know how accurate she is because according to my past photos I also had a little defined abs like today as well.. but hopefully it will come... thank you so much!
  • queenierz
    queenierz Posts: 210 Member
    Do you have any idea of what your fat percentage is and how fast you are losing fat now? Maybe somebody here can give you some ballpark figure of fat percentage for your abs to be defined clearly. Then you can calculate how long it should take you approcimately? A realistic calculation of the time frame (Although it cannot be predicted perfectly probably) may help you to not feel discouraged in the meantime.

    More than a month ago, I think I had like 18% body fat... I don't really know about how fast I am losing fat though, I can't rely on the scales because I'm building muscles as well.. what are the ways to measure body fat accurately? I see.. for some people, it takes them like more than 5 months, but I have encountered people who achieved them like less than 2 months, and that's why I've been freaking out a little. And some days, I couldn't even see my vertical lines on my upper abs... It's just so frustrating!
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    You can get some fat calipers for pretty cheap that will get you a pretty close estimate. You have to measure in three different spots and then plug it into an equation and it spits out your bodyfat percentage. I was doing that about a year ago or so and as I lost weight the numbers were going down, but I never got down to a really low bodyfat percentage either.

    Might be worth it for you now that you're in a lower range. I know for guys you generally need to be around 8-12% bodyfat to show abs really well, depending on your body makeup. Not sure what percentage is required for women. Sounds like you're awfully close though, 18% is really low for a woman. I'd like to be 18% and I'm a guy haha!
  • queenierz
    queenierz Posts: 210 Member
    You can get some fat calipers for pretty cheap that will get you a pretty close estimate. You have to measure in three different spots and then plug it into an equation and it spits out your bodyfat percentage. I was doing that about a year ago or so and as I lost weight the numbers were going down, but I never got down to a really low bodyfat percentage either.

    Might be worth it for you now that you're in a lower range. I know for guys you generally need to be around 8-12% bodyfat to show abs really well, depending on your body makeup. Not sure what percentage is required for women. Sounds like you're awfully close though, 18% is really low for a woman. I'd like to be 18% and I'm a guy haha!

    Oh, I totally forgot about the fat calipers... I'll check them out! Thank you! Well, losing fat takes time, and at least you are losing the fats, you are doing fine! Keep up the nice work :D
    I think for women I remember it's around 15% or something... I think I am losing my arm-fats, but not from my abs... Also I've heard ab fats are the last to go! :( And thank you! I hope I can get the percentage lower and keep my discipline in eating... I"m sure you will soon! As long as your number of fat goes down, everything else should be fine and you'll reach your goal for sure! Goodluck!
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    you will need to give yourself more time :) the changes will come! IMO you look fantastic already :P
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    It can be difficult for women to get those defined 6 pack abs because physiologically we are meant to have fat around our stomach to support fertility and pregnancy. If your body fat goes too low you might experience altered menstruation and other hormonal issues. Thats not too say you have to lay off your goal - but for informational purposes.

    If you're feeling fit and strong - how you look shouldn't matter too much. Eat well, exercise, and be happy. After reading your profile it seems you have a tendency to get a bit obsessive about this stuff. Just enjoy your already perfect body! :flowerforyou:
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    Do you have any idea of what your fat percentage is and how fast you are losing fat now? Maybe somebody here can give you some ballpark figure of fat percentage for your abs to be defined clearly. Then you can calculate how long it should take you approcimately? A realistic calculation of the time frame (Although it cannot be predicted perfectly probably) may help you to not feel discouraged in the meantime.

    More than a month ago, I think I had like 18% body fat... I don't really know about how fast I am losing fat though, I can't rely on the scales because I'm building muscles as well.. what are the ways to measure body fat accurately? I see.. for some people, it takes them like more than 5 months, but I have encountered people who achieved them like less than 2 months, and that's why I've been freaking out a little. And some days, I couldn't even see my vertical lines on my upper abs... It's just so frustrating!

    It seem unlikely that you are losing fat (calory deficit needed) & building muscle (calory surplus needed) at the same time. If you bf is already that low (lower and you may find issues such as amenorrhea), maybe you can think about focusing on building abs first in a surplus, and after that cutting back your fat percentage again to about 17%?

    Anyway, you probably will get the best advice at the fitness and exercise forum, or perhaps the gaining weight forum.
  • queenierz
    queenierz Posts: 210 Member
    It can be difficult for women to get those defined 6 pack abs because physiologically we are meant to have fat around our stomach to support fertility and pregnancy. If your body fat goes too low you might experience altered menstruation and other hormonal issues. Thats not too say you have to lay off your goal - but for informational purposes.

    If you're feeling fit and strong - how you look shouldn't matter too much. Eat well, exercise, and be happy. After reading your profile it seems you have a tendency to get a bit obsessive about this stuff. Just enjoy your already perfect body! :flowerforyou:

    You're right; I've heard that it's harder for women to get packs.. Thank you for reminding! And actually, I think I already am experiencing weird menstruation issues... before, it stops because I ate too less. This time, I ate properly, exercise and sleep orperly, so I'm not sure what the heck is going on.
    I had to admit I am pretty obsessive about this stuff... I don't know why but it's that challenging so I wanna try it out! And I've been having a bloated belly the whole time so it is my goal to get rid of it :P Thank you so much again, i'll try to be sastified with what I have! :smooched:
  • queenierz
    queenierz Posts: 210 Member
    Do you have any idea of what your fat percentage is and how fast you are losing fat now? Maybe somebody here can give you some ballpark figure of fat percentage for your abs to be defined clearly. Then you can calculate how long it should take you approcimately? A realistic calculation of the time frame (Although it cannot be predicted perfectly probably) may help you to not feel discouraged in the meantime.

    More than a month ago, I think I had like 18% body fat... I don't really know about how fast I am losing fat though, I can't rely on the scales because I'm building muscles as well.. what are the ways to measure body fat accurately? I see.. for some people, it takes them like more than 5 months, but I have encountered people who achieved them like less than 2 months, and that's why I've been freaking out a little. And some days, I couldn't even see my vertical lines on my upper abs... It's just so frustrating!

    It seem unlikely that you are losing fat (calory deficit needed) & building muscle (calory surplus needed) at the same time. If you bf is already that low (lower and you may find issues such as amenorrhea), maybe you can think about focusing on building abs first in a surplus, and after that cutting back your fat percentage again to about 17%?

    Anyway, you probably will get the best advice at the fitness and exercise forum, or perhaps the gaining weight forum.

    Ah, so I should focus on gaining first instead of cutting right? I'll go check other forums out; thank you! :)
  • queenierz
    queenierz Posts: 210 Member
    you will need to give yourself more time :) the changes will come! IMO you look fantastic already :P

    Aww thank you! Hopefully it will come by the third or fourth month? If it does change a little, I would be extremely motivated by then hehehe. And thank you! You too, you got some great defined abs as well! :)
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    I'm not sure how true it is, but I've heard that dairy products can tend to bloat you a little, as well as eating a diet with a lot of sodium/salt. I'm not sure what you're diet is like, but maybe if you cut out a little dairy and reduced the sodium intake you would shed a little water weight and get you closer as well. I know bodybuilders cut out certain foods just before a show just for that purpose, to shed that last remaining bit of water weight. But I think that's more when you're down to an extreme low level of bodyfat which most of us on here are not there.

    I'd like to get down to about 15% bodyfat and I think I'd be happy. Probably another 20-25 lbs or so to get there. It's doable. I'm giving myself 7 months to get there because that's when I"m going on a trip with my family to Hawaii! I want to look good on the beach with no shirt on, not like a beached whale haha!

    Check out the fat calipers, I got mine for about $15. They do the job for the money invested. Otherwise you have to go get yourself weighed in one of those special tanks which costs a lot of money. I can't see doing that unless you had health issues, you're a bodybuilder, or you have money falling out of your butt haha!
  • jrowell12014
    jrowell12014 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on week 3 of the KI plan and feel the same way! I've actually gained weight and my legs got huge :( I've heard it's from water retention/ muscle recovery but it def was not my goal lol. Keep up the good work and post your progress!
  • jolarocknrolla
    jolarocknrolla Posts: 236 Member
    well, I took a look at your diary and you aren't eating clean. There is some decent food but also frappucino, frozen yogurt, cupcakes, donuts etc, and that's just going back 2 weeks. You can't out-train a bad diet and yours has too many carbs and sugars. You can probably lose some weight but your body-fat percentage is likely to not budge, and until that happens you won't see abs. You get abs from a good diet.

    look into getting more whole foods into your diet - green veggies, lean protein etc and cut out the junk and treats. good luck.