What are your tips/tricks for drinking water?



  • karenvail0705
    I found powdered Arizona Pomegranate Green Tea to add to a water bottle, zero calories. Does that count as water or does it have to be plain water? I love the way it tastes. But I think it has bad stuff in it, chemicals or whatever, powder could not be good for you. For that matter, does anything but plain water count as water? I do not think so.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    I usually start with a container of water... once I have a firm grip I bring the container to my lips.. open my mouth and slowly tilt the container... unless there's a straw... the I will purse my lips around the straw... in the first instance once I feel the water spilling into my mouth I will swallow several times until I feel satiated... in the second instance I will suck small amounts and after each suck I will swallow... this exercise will continue until I have had my fill.. I repeat this processs about 6 times/day with anything from a 10 oncye glas to a 24 ounce bottle...

    YOU are welcome world.
  • MsFree09
    MsFree09 Posts: 44 Member
    When I get tired of drinking water, I will add some green tea powder. It tastes good and it's healthy. I use this kind but the small portable single serve packets. I got them at Walmart.

  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    Put Sriracha on everything.
  • phil6707
    phil6707 Posts: 541 Member
    I pour it in a glass..
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    I used to be so good about drinking plain water, but I'm not anymore. Now, I drink Emergenc packets, iced tea w/ stevia, occasional diet soda, & sparking water.
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    Swallow. *nods*

    All jesting aside, I use a Bobble. I fill it from a filtered source and then it has it's own filter as well. If I could filter it again without just running it through the britta container twice I would.
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    Water flavors in very cold water... and 32 oz bottle down in 5 minutes first thing in the morning (there is a famous lady that swears it keeps her in shape so hey I tried it and it does work great)... the rest is easy to get down, a glass over ice with lunch and dinner...
  • TheRealNoodlette
    TheRealNoodlette Posts: 132 Member
    I'm addicted to soda water. I have a Sodastream, which carbonates my water. I drink a ton of water per day, 100+. I started drinking the fizzy water as a way to stop drinking beer (has the same sensation going down) and now I can't stop :-)
  • mmd575
    mmd575 Posts: 88 Member
    I keep my water bottle next to me at work, and I think what makes it easier is we have a machine that dispenses slushy type ice (I fill my bottle with as much ice as possible) and I put filtered water. Now, if I do get bored I use the Crystal Light liquid flavor enhancers every now and then.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I would drink water but I am always to hydrated from the soda.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I drink a LOT of water at work, usually 48-64 oz in a typical work day. I just make it habit/routine when I am at work. I like to have a fun water bottle or cup with lid & straw to drink from, I find that I'll drink more water out of those than buying bottled water because I am super cheap. Fortunately for me, my city has excellent water that tastes as good or better than bottled.

    I still struggle when I'm at home on the weekends. I've never really been one to drink throughout the day. In the past (before using MFP) I just drank coffee with breakfast and 12 oz of diet cola with lunch and dinner. Not enough hydration whatsoever but I don't really feel thirsty throughout my typical day.

    On road trips I force myself to bring along water now, too.
  • WildcatDeLalune
    WildcatDeLalune Posts: 74 Member
    I have a 28 oz. Blender Bottle from GNC. On a good day, I drink 3 full bottles of water from it. I also use Mio and other flavor additions like True Lemon and True Lime packets from Walmart.
  • PapaChanoli
    PapaChanoli Posts: 178 Member
    Put Sriracha on everything.

  • PapaChanoli
    PapaChanoli Posts: 178 Member
    Swallow. *nods*

    All jesting aside, I use a Bobble. I fill it from a filtered source and then it has it's own filter as well. If I could filter it again without just running it through the britta container twice I would.


  • Nory143
    Nory143 Posts: 53 Member
    I just started infusing my water and I find it's gives it a nice flavor without adding cals. I used sliced lemon, mint and cucumber.
  • jakedner
    jakedner Posts: 186 Member
    I always have my water bottle in hand or sitting on the desk/table next to me. Sometimes I add slices of fruit or veggies to it give it a little flavor boost. I have also bought some of the True Lemon or True Lime flavorings. I have found that it is harder for me to drink cold water, especially in the winter, so I drink room temperature water unless it's a hot day or I'm working out. I hope you find some great tips to help you reach August water goal!