No caffeine + High junk = No energy, No willpower

I don't drink any sort of hot drink. I never have apart from the odd hot chocolate which has been left until its practically cold. So I grew up on fizzy, sugary drinks particularly diet coke. I made the decision a month ago to give up, cold turkey all such drinks and stick to water. I purchased a water filter jug for the fridge and that was that. On the score, I am doing really well and have not been tempted to revert to my old ways.

But I have no energy now. I crash out most days on the settee for naps, I sleep through my alarm and am late for work. My boss is not impressed. I know where the fault lies, its my crappy diet because I have no motivation to cook proper food because I don't really know how to cook.

What little cooking I have done, I have enjoyed and I am fully conscious of the benefits of cooking and particularly want to be cooking more because of my weight and financial issues. However, after a full day at work, it all sees such hassle to try to cook for just me and then work out what the nutritional values were. My basic "how to cook" cookbooks do not contain nutritional values. I have also looked for a cookery class so I can try to cook properly and there is nothing in my area.

So currently my "diet" is full of processed rubbish and lots and lots of junk like chocolate. (On the plus side, I have tracked it all, every day without fail.) Therefore, obviously, I am making no progress.

I am really kicking myself over this and its getting me really down. I have a holiday coming up at the end of the year. I was really hoping to have made a good start before I went so I would have to go treat myself to new holiday clothes etc.

I don't know what wisdom anyone can offer - I am just hoping for some help, support or just something to cheer me up as I try to figure out what I should do.


  • oksanatkachuk
    oksanatkachuk Posts: 149 Member
    What's wrong with diet coke and coffee in moderation? If quoting it makes u miserable- than don't quit
  • I am not miserable having quit fizzy drinks. I was in the first few days because it was hard to get use to water. But I wouldn't go back to drinking them now not if you paid me. A mini victory for me.

    I am miserable because its my only victory since deciding to give MFP a go and to make the required changes I need to for my health.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    If you're having lots of chocolate I wonder if you've really kicked caffeine or are bouncing in and out of withdrawal. Not that I have room to talk, I'm a coffee fiend. Trying to cut down a bit myself.

    Maybe you could wait for the work day before the weekend, ditch the chocolate and other junky food that day, then deal with the worst of it over the weekend while eating healthier food? To keep your boss off your back, I mean. From what I've read, it can take awhile to adjust to no caffeine, but unless you want to try iced unsweetened coffee, it sounds like you're committed to doing it, so maybe it's best to get none from any source.