Why low carb didn't work for me



  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    All I can think of is that it must be a real pain to go out to eat with friends or family when you have such a diet. It just doesn't sound sustainable to me.

    I suppose it depends on where you're eating out. I can only think of fast food places being difficult myself, off the top of my head.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    All I can think of is that it must be a real pain to go out to eat with friends or family when you have such a diet. It just doesn't sound sustainable to me.

    I eat out all the time. It isn't really a problem. Almost every place will sub a veggie for fries. Even fast food isn't bad. You just don't get fries and don't eat the buns.

    Even places like Olive Garden have things I can eat.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    Do what you can do for a lifetime. period.

    My husband does Adkins/low carb. It works for him, because he can't control his portions and his favorite foods are low carb.

    I love my carbs and much rather have a well balanced diet where nothing is off limits. I can lose on restrictive diets but gain it all back because my nature is to enjoy all foods..and that is never going to change.

    If I were you…i'd try other strateties to break through your plateau. Flex your calories… eat more for a few weeks..then dial back…exercise less or more. that kind of thing.
  • kuntinsaigars
    That word "Diet' how i hate it....one lesson is learned , i am just making calories defecite , and its works fine for me :) and still i eat ice cream and chocolate :)