Diet - Meal replacement shakes - Which one?



  • sydneydeb
    sydneydeb Posts: 93 Member
    I've been using Isowhey banana and I really like it. I have it for breakfast and sometimes lunch if I've not packed anything (budget doesn't always stretch to 3 meals a day) and have a light meal at night. I don't intend to be on it forever just to give myself a kick start. I also snack on fruit or veggie sticks through the day.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I've had Slim Fast shakes ... and I'm hungry less than an hour later. If your goal is to curb overeating that is SO not the way to go about it. Log your food, allow for snacks throughout the day. It's pretty simple really.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I understand that there are lots of people that want to eat food instead of shakes, however i do not. I feel that this may help me as i am unable to control eating when i get hungry. I know that if i have Shakes i will not want anything else (its psychological) - and like everyone else that diets, if it doesnt work i will go back to the drawing board. So although i know your only trying to help please only reply if you have genuine advise on which shakes work best :)


    what happens when you drinks shakes and are still hungry? Are you just going to keep drinking shakes..?

    my advice - shakes don't work, period. Eating real food in a deficit will lead to long term success.
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    edited October 2014
    I like the Slim Fast High Protein (it's low carb, opposed to the regular one which has almost 30g of carbs per serving). But, I try to only use it when I'm in a pinch.

    I think you might be hungry on a liquid diet, that'll probably be low fat. But, to each their own. When I was depressed I didn't want to bother with feeding myself and just drank shakes all the time. So, if that's what you think you need, no judgement here. Just, be prepared it probably won't give you -5lb losses in a week.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Actually, 5 pound a week is physically impossible for most people, if you do the math. As has been pointed out, 1 lb = 3500 calories. So 5 pounds = 17500 calories. This is the amount of deficit you would need per week in order to lose 5 pounds. That breaks down to 2500 calories per day...deficit. That means you would have to expend 2500 calories per day more than you consume.

    Now, I'm a 5'3 1/2" female, and weight less than 150 lbs. My TDEE, as calculated by my BodyMedia, even on an active day, is around 2400 calories. So, if I wanted to have a 2500 calorie deficit and wanted to keep to a minimum 1200 calorie diet, I would still have to find a way to burn an additional 1300 calories on top of what I already do. Every day. While eating only 1200 calories.

    Unless a person is very, very obese, a 2500 calorie deficit just isn't physically possible.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    OP started thread July 31st, I wonder if he was successful? He needs to let us know :)

    I was wondering the same thing. I hope the OP can let us know how the shakes worked out.