SBF 2, Reboot Boogaloo, Nov 29

yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
December is approaching, watch out!

We are ordering a special cake for my Grandmother (in law) for her 90th birthday. She loves France, so we were going to get an Arc de Triomphe shaped cake. I should probably have another idea in my back pocket in case that is too expensive. Other than the Eiffel Tower, what reminds you of France?

Today - running errands, double yoga, and walk. I also must brain and come up with a yoga sequence for the chair class next week.

France, boogaloo, loo.


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    December? Je refusé!

    Good news is that with all of my cooking, cleaning, more cleaning and table set-up/tear down and cooking and still more cleaning, I burned nearly 3,000 calories yesterday. The bad news is I easily ate that much, and slept for only an hour and a half (in good news...I have successfully re-set my inner clock to wake up at precisely 7:15.)

    This week, goals are as follows:

    don't break the academic-work chain (this means work every single day for at least half an hour. It's just what I do after coffee.)
    workout five days (missed this morning's workout...will do yoga when the sun sets later today)
    after today's leftover turkey sammich, no wheat until next Sunday
    no sugar until next Sunday

    and, that's enough.

    Berets make me think of France? Also croissants. I would want a birthday cake in the shape of a croissant. Or, just the world's largest chocolate croissant.

    Isn't it still September? boogaloo:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hey, another quick post.
    We just got home an hour ago. Back to reality. In some ways that's good in other ways, not so good.
    I have been hurting all over since last night. I'm achy, sore, very exhausted, and irritable. Either a sinus infection hit hard or I have the flu. :sad: I want my mommy! I really feel like I got hit by a truck. Even my fingers hurt.Chills. I'm not running a fever though. Eating went down hill over the weekend. Part of that was just from not feeling good. Not much exercise except hiking. Goal was to get back into it today, but I am not moving unless I have to. I have had one nap in the car and I'm about to take another.
    I can't think anymore.

    Mushy brains and aches and pains boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning,

    What a weird 36 hours. I don't feel great this morning but I do feel better. I'm still hurting but I'm not aching all over like I was and my fever is gone. I was sure I had the flu. But so thankful I don't!
    Steve got a loaner car while the mustang is being fixed for the fourth? time. I've lost count. So I will take Alex to horse therapy this morning and then come home and take it easy.
    We also got an email from Olga saying, among other things, that Andrei was invited back to the Ministry of Education today for a referral. I would assume she means the referral is for us, or why would she have mentioned it? It was almost like she said it in passing. So maybe we will get one today. Maybe not.
    Goals today: drink lots of water, log food and stay in calorie goal, and rest. I do have some cleaning and laundry to catch up on too. If I stop hurting and feel a lot better then I will walk on the treadmill.

    Gonna keep trying boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Hope you feel better, MM.

    I got some books from the library and a video on the way to prepare for my chair class - also for my paper for my yoga training - which I need to start work on this month.

    Today - walk this morning and probably another this afternoon. I'm also going to sit in on the chair yoga class again in a few hours.

    When I told Charlie how much a sculpted cake would cost, he nixed it as his grandmother would not approve of a cake costing that much - so I guess we are just going to order a round cake. I figured it was her 90th birthday, we should splurge.

    Chair yoga, boogaloo.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    As you may have seen on FB, I'm back! And, as already mentioned, I ate too much (not being in full control of when/what I can eat seems to put me into weird survival mode), so my plan for this week is just to quit that. I worked from home today and did not leave the house, so I was spared adjusting to the northern climate for one more day - but I am not looking forward to the long winter ahead (or driving to work tomorrow).

    It's past my bedtime. Yawn! More tomorrow, I hope.

    What day is it? where am I? boogaloo :smile:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Welcome back CP!
    Mary, hope your class stuff comes together quickly for you.
    V, how are you feeling these days?

    I actually slept pretty good last night and didn't hear the alarm go off. I didn't wake up until my obnoxious cat said I had slept in long enough. Some times she's a brat.
    I definitely have head pressure now.:sick: Trying to decide whether to go to the doc to get antibiotics, go get something natural and see if that helps, or stick it out. Whatever I do gets into any Christmas money we might come up with on the next few weeks. :frown: What do you all do if you get a sinus infection?
    Goals today: log food, eat better than yesterday, do school with Alex and take him to tumbling, laundry, figure out what's for dinner, make a grocery list, and that might be all. I'd like to get a walk in but I'll have to see. I am starting to miss working out (it's about time!), and I'm definitely adding a few pounds and getting slushy. My MIL said you are suppose to wait 24 hours after having a fever to work out. I don't know.
    Alex is cold and wants to be wrapped up in blankets like a burrito. :laugh:

    What to do boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Welcome back, CP!

    You are supposed to take antibiotics with a sinus infection, MM. You could do some light workout today as long as your fever is gone.

    Today: teach and go to yoga. I made two cakes yesterday for my mom's party - today, finish them off (frosting, decorations), set table, and make other decorations. I've started making special napkins for each party my mom has (she has lots of them) - so for Christmas, I'm making Christmas tree napkins - it's going to be hard to make them stand up though.

    Christmas parties, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Whoops. I lost Tuesday.

    I had a very active day yesterday, and despite no "exercise", almost burned as many calories as the catering-esque 12 hour marathon on Sunday. Cool. It's yet another indication to me that it's not just getting my workouts in that's important, but staying active. When I work, I set a timer now for thirty minutes, and when it goes off, I get up and walk around or do a chore or some stretches or something (the goal is to never have a waking hour of no activity or steps) Also, last night, I was in bed by 8 pm, and slept til watch out!

    Today, it's cardio salsa/afro-cuban dance in about 20 minutes, followed by organizing/finishing/and hopefully recording the latest pile of marking. Other than that, I just finished working for an hour on my proposal, and some other approval forms. Tomorrow, I go have a meeting with my supervisor to make sure all of that looks good, and to set another meeting.

    It's rainy and gross, and later supposed to get snowy and gross (allegedly). Good day to stay indoors, drink tea and mark. I'm all about the tea lately.

    Tea and productivity, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes, and not fast but at least it was something. It made me want to try again tomorrow. :) I have a splitting headache, and I still have a slight fever, which for most people wouldn't be. I run a degree to a degree and a half cooler than most people. But the walk did kind of perk me up a little.
    We were disappointed last night not to hear anything about Andrei's visit to the MOE in Moscow. Well, we heard today. He spent the last two days at the MOE office going through child referrals for us. They picked out the healthy kids from 3-6 years old, then from those they picked out the ones that are completely available with no family coming to get them. They went through a total of 150 referrals! And guess how many are healthy and unattached? ONE! One little girl. We have not gotten her information yet because we had on our application that we wanted a Caucasian child (I don't remember if we decided that or our agency just put that), and this one little girl is not white. She's probably Asian, possibly Arabic, but most likely Asian. Honestly, there was a time I cared about ethnicity. I don't now. Each child deserves a home and to be loved. So we agreed to consider this child and we are waiting on info! If we accept the referral, we could be going in a couple of weeks! In that case I will be going to the doc and getting medicine. :tongue: So I'm cautiously excited. :smile:

    Good news at last? boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning,
    Quick post. I am going to try to get in with my doctor this morning. My headaches are getting unbearable and I'm just tired of feeling bad. I have a Christmas party and a birthday party to go to this weekend so I want to be on the mend.
    We might get our referral info today! :bigsmile:
    Goals today: get to the doc, go to the store, log food and stay under cals, get laundry done (failed yesterday), and clean up the house. And school work. I think I can manage all this. I'd like to walk also but all this stuff may be enough.
    I am also going to start watching my sodium. I think I go way over.

    Doing it anyway boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs,

    So tired. I woke up at 4, tried to stay awake, dozed off around 7:30 for an hour. Blergh.

    Moving on, goals for the day are: Zumba at 10, a meeting with my advisor at 1:30, the grocery store to buy stuff to throw a soup together, and home for a short marking session.

    That's good news, MM...hope you get news (and sinus relief) soon.

    CP, I don' know how the weather is on your side of the lake, but here...brrrrr. Definitely a rude awakening compared to tropical.

    the marking never ends, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    So I didn't posted - maybe I forgot.

    Hope you get that phone call today, MM.

    Another crazy busy day today. I need to come up with a plan to get as much done as possible. I think the first step is to stay off the computer. I'm going to shoot for a yoga class somewhere today. I still have a month of my gym membership left (I haven't gone in ages!), so I should use it at least once before the end of the year. The other exercise today will be a walk - I need to watch a chair yoga video to get some more ideas.

    Busy, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I have a sinus infection and a possible staph infection. I have a sore spot in my nose which she thinks is staph. I get that from time to time. She told me to stick vaseline up my nose. lol. Got antibiotics and nasal spray as well. She said I even *looked* like I had a sinus infection. That's what happens when I wear my glasses. :laugh: Going to the doc and to the store wiped me out. I think I might take a little snooze and then try to get some house work done. I may post again later if we gt news today. :happy:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    So I didn't posted - maybe I forgot.

    yes, folks, I was an English major.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Mary, I've been doing that sort of thing (using very wrong tenses or words) all the time lately. There were major, bizarre not quite typos misused words (such as "area" instead of "era", etc) all over the what I thought was final draft of something I handed to my advisor yesterday. Also, was given a new goal by the advisor: don't look for a job until you've published at least three things in real journals. He followed this with "congratulations! you're a writer now." ugh. I don't want to be a writer. I feel skert and now have a case of the overwhelmeds to push through. Ten years ago, it was "publish or perish" as in, get a job and then publish, or you won't be able to keep said job. Now it's "publish or you'll never get hired." The pressures, I have them.

    Today, I have several things to cross off my to-do list in a non-negotiable fashion. The marking (I've only managed short shifts with I need to push through to the end, honest). I also owe myself some sort of out of the house entertainment (I might go see a movie) in order to re-boot my brain, which is mush. No formal workout planned today. Had a new record of 12,515 steps yesterday, so that was cool to see. The surprising thing is, I only walked for an extra thirty minutes out of the ordinary travelling. So, cool. If I go to the movie, I'll walk. Otherwise, rest day.

    12,515 boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Way to go on the walking V!
    Mary, I am typing a lot faster now and having to use the backspace button a lot more as well. I make a lot of mistakes and hope people know it's not because I can't spell, I just type fast.

    I did not have a bad headache yesterday so that's a plus! But my nose is a little more sore today and I think the medicine is making me nauseous. Fun. No news yesterday either. Sigh. I really don't want to wait till next week, but we may have to. Russia is in no hurry. Looks like, if we agree to meet the child, we may not be here over Christmas, or at least on an airplane. :ohwell:

    I am way way over on my sodium. That might explain some things. So that is my new goal. I am going to try to get a walk in today, but I also have Bible Study this morning, and cleaning to do this afternoon, and then getting Christmas decorations up tonight. I really don't want to go to the study but I know it will be good for me. I just get worn out so easily right now. It's not like I have to do anything but answer a couple of questions. lol.

    Hopeful boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I blame lol speak, V :tongue: actually, I blame the whole internet/ smart phone culture. Proofing is no longer done.

    Hope you get that phone call, MM.

    Didn't get yoga in yesterday - will do double today - teach and hopefully go to group practice tonight. I'm also meeting a friend for a walk - so I should get lots of exercise today.
    I'm trying to come up with a goal pose for 2011 - it has to be something I'm close to, but not too close.

    So, this one is for the Northerners - when we were in Dallas last week and eating at a restaurant - I wanted to go outside because I was cold. :laugh:

    Beautiful December day, boogaloo!
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    hello, been a while.... had a big concert monday night and was in lala land for a few days afterward. Today was the first day I actually managed to walk. 2km and it felt pretty good though I was sore and had to cut it short.

    Wish I was seeing more results. Have decided not to weigh myself until next wednesday as I had TOM this week and I know the scale would be nasty.

    I seem to be hungrier than usual this week too, it's been hard to keep to the regime of protein and veggies and limited refined carbs. I feel like I've just been coping.

    Maybe a few more days of walking will help my spirits. Hope people are doing well. Hope to catch up soon.

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Up early for my final trip to San Antonio this year. I get a month break, and I need it. Will have two trips to Dallas though, so I won't have that much time.
    V - have you ever put a question on a test that was essentially the same question that was in a homework? I think the teacher did just that and we are allowed to do it ahead of time - should I just give back the homework? Remembering that this is yoga school, not grad school.

    Was very disappointed in the restaurant last night. My husband's work group goes out for "meat fest" a couple of times a year. This time it was at a steak house that had a decent side dish veggies menu, so I went along. Our reservation was at 7:30, we didn't get seated until 8:05, got the salads an hour later, the dessert was ordered at 10, we left at 11:30. I was going to order broccolini and one other side for my entree, but the server talked me into getting a special vegetarian plate - most of which was inedible (and didn't have broccolini :grumble: ), but with a few bright spots. I didn't complain because we were in a large group and I don't like people worrying if I got enough food, etc, etc. Anyway - it's a Texas chain (Perry's Steakhouse) and another reason to avoid fancy chain restaurants. Real chefs shouldn't make other people's recipes, right?

    Rant over, time for yoga.

    Rant, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs,

    Sarah, I blame the weather. I have had a carb-stravaganza (including the offenders baguette, ferrero rochers and wine. bad times) three times this week. I woke up this a.m. with a food hangover, so that stops today.

    That is a drag of a restaurant experience, Mary...I hate it when that happens, and yep that's why I avoid big chains. My rule is there has to be a cook in the kitchen who's better than I am (or at least differently skilled or equipped):wink:

    To that, plans are as follows:
    a bit of editing in just a bit (I have to send scary emails to big-name scholars in my field asking if they'd pretty please send me their bibliographies...tricky waters to navigate...essentially you have to suck up and beg, all while holding your own topic v. close to the vest so that they don't steal it...and yep, that happens).

    Followed by a zumba class at the gym (I figured out why I don't like some zumba instructors...they choreograph to "counts" instead of to the music so it's "eight counts of this move" and then "eight counts of this move" instead of "when the music does this, you do this"...essentially it means that they're trying to muscle the counts to work even when they get out of sync with the music.(and with not-so-confident dancers, that happens a lot) Since I dance (and everybody dances) to music instead of counting, that's why it gets so least I know why I'm so annoyed. If you tell me to do a move on "one" and then you move it to "two" or god help me "three", it makes my brain hurt)

    After that, it's to the grocery store to buy real live food in the form of fruits and vegetables. Then, home to eat/cook them.

    Later today, it's an organizational session with the twenty drafts of a paper I want to get published. (I lost the final long version in the pre-forget-this-I'm-buying-a-mac computer kerfuffle of last fall. and a lot of the rougher drafts aren't page numbered, etc...but I cut the long version down for the conference presentation and now need to re-lengthenify it.) Wait, I mean a paper I will get published. Positivity!

    I'm going to say one more thing, since I know Sarah wants to use her snowshoes:tongue: I wish it would snow already! It's so cold and I think snow is pretty and Christmas-sy and I don't feel Christmas-sy at all. There, I said it.

    Snow already, boogaloo!:flowerforyou:
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