what's a good food schedule for a day?

What are the best times of day to eat? Maybe some food examples of what you would eat at what time?


  • Uptopargolf
    Well there is a topic somewhere on here I think, that says the times you eat don't make much of a difference. To eat when its convenient for you. However;

    On days that I LIFT;

    Breakfast around 8:15ish. Workout from 8:45 - 10ish.
    Protein shake / snack directly after workout
    Lunch around 12:30ish
    Snack around 3:30ish
    Dinner between 6 and 6:30ish.
    I'll never eat late at night, nothing after 8 p.m.

    On Cardio days;

    Workout 8:15 - 9:30sish
    Breakfast around 9:45ish.
    Protein shake / snack with breakfast.
    Lunch around 12:30ish
    Snack around 3:30ish
    Dinner between 6 and 6:30ish.
    I'll never eat late at night, nothing after 8 p.m.

    Food examples.. Hmmm, you may want to eat some carbs before workouts, to give you more energy. Try to avoid them at night before bed. Protein directly after working out. I try not to eat ANYTHING before my cardio workouts. I want to be carb empty when I do em. I don't know if it makes much of a difference but my good friend does this and he has shredded a lot of fat.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    It is recommended to eat every 3-4 hours starting with eating within an hour of waking up.
  • Uptopargolf
    It is recommended to eat every 3-4 hours starting with eating within an hour of waking up.

    That is probably the most important tip. You must eat when you wake up to get your body started. My girlfriend rarely eats breakfast and never works out.. Than she asks me when she is gaining, or not losing weight. That answer is pretty simple.
  • bkmush
    bkmush Posts: 27
    I just listen to my body. I always eat when I first wake up, if I'm not very hungry (which is sometimes the case) I have a smoothie made with protein powder, fruit, spinach and flaxseed. Other then that I just eat with my family or when I'm hungry. I do in home child care so lunch tends to be during nap time (so I can sit down and relax) and I have a mid morning snack during their lunch (they eat lunch early before preschool). Other then that it's whenever it works :) I snack at night if I'm hungry and have calories left and I still lose. I think it's mostly about making it work with YOUR schedule. I do try to make sure I'm eating 5x a day just because for me that keeps me from getting too hungry and making bad choices BUT I've had a close friend who only eats 3x a day and she's lost over 100 lbs and kept it off 6 years so far...that works for her. She says the more opportunities she has to eat, the more opportunities she has to over eat and so she just has 3 meals of around 700 calories (for maintaining).
  • Chiquita_Banana
    I eat every 3 hours or so mini meals/snacks normally 5-6 meals a day. i try to prepare everything the night before so at work i just grab something whenever i need it. i normally stop at least 2-3 hours before bed
  • clahut
    clahut Posts: 211 Member
    What are the best times of day to eat? Maybe some food examples of what you would eat at what time?

    I've always been told 'a little and often'. Some people are fine with 3 'normal' meals a day - others find 5 or 6 small meals a better option. I think as long as it is healthy and balances, do what works for you.

  • byebye200
    Hey can we not c each others diaries??? if allowed??..Anywhooo..an example of what i eat is cereal n am (approx 8-9:30) with fruit or fruit juice on side, green tea with lemon..i use 2% milk tho so my cal arent too low (a tip fr someone here at mfp..lol)..lunch around (1230)But if i eat brek at 8 ill have a snack of yogurt or fruit at 10-1030 im having Campbells heathy harvest Md crab soup, its 160 calories for whole can, pineapple chunks and water...i take calcium supplements, a multi vitamin, and a super B vitamin, I walk about 3miles for lunchtime break..about 130...have another snack when i get back (protein and or fruit)...gym afterwork...as soon as i get home to cook dinner...thenn din no later 8...( tonite will be a lean cuisine meal 4 me n steak for ma fam..lol...If theres a way to look at my diary feel free..i change it often as to not get bored....and prepping the day b4 always helps...