Quitting Smoking and Getting Healthy

:tongue: I've decided to take that step and quit smoking. I've heard that you gain weight when you quit (which is why I've put it off). Is anyone trying to quit smoking and loose weight at the same time? I been trying for 3 days now the first day I did pretty good. I only smoked a half of one, the next day I totally blew it in the evening and yesterday.....NONE!!! Woot.

But.,....I did tend to eat alot more in the process of not smoking, I bought a whole bunch of gum to help the urge.

If anyone is in the same boat as me, or if your just someone that's wants to give support.....any and all is welcomed! :tongue:


  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    i had quit smoking using the electronic cig :D it was amazing and it really helped me out..

    working out does help with it
  • cjduckie
    cjduckie Posts: 78 Member
    Kudos to you lady! I too am a smoker - but I don't have the guts to do the weightloss thing at the same time as quitting... I'm leaving quitting for my next stepping stone once I've reached my goal weight =/ Don't have the strength of will to do both at once - though I realise it is the sensible and MUCH healthier way to go. Good luck to you, and I'm very interested to see your progress!!
  • Happyflirt
    I too am trying to quit and loose weight i have been doing pretty good, i have been trying to exercise instead of eating. I havent smoked at all for three days then in a moment of weakness just grabbed a puff of my bf's cig and omg does that taste bad I cant believe i used to enjoy that i am good for craving for a while thanks to that