Weight Gainers: Week 1

YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition

Let me know if I got anything wrong. I did this in kind of a hurry this morning.

I found a really cool excel sheet that displays your ideal measurements based on you height/bone structure. I'll dig up the link a little later. It also shows what % of your ideal measurements you are currently at.

My goal for this week is just to stick with my diet. I feel really bloated after eating so much over Thanksgiving, but I'm going to push forward. haha

Measurements for Week 1 are due Sunday, Dec 5, 5:00PM Central


  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member

  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Looks good :)

    I should be starting well. Woke up last night at 3am absolutely starving! (had some BSN dessert just before bed too) 3am cottage cheese, natural pb and oats pick me up :P
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Looks good :)

    I should be starting well. Woke up last night at 3am absolutely starving! (had some BSN dessert just before bed too) 3am cottage cheese, natural pb and oats pick me up :P
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    Nice work YIL..And thanks for taking the time to put this together.. I am about to go train heavy upper in about an hour. I laid out my goals for this current cycle of training. Now the only thing left to do is make it happen and that is exactly what I am going to do.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    Charts look great!. It's nice to do this with a team on this site, thanks.

    Man I'm off to a rough start...hurt my left bicep after doing heavy weighted dumbbell shoulder presses without a spotter after already being fatigued from my upper back routine on saturday. Had to cut my chest training after six sets today because it started acting up. So I expect not much gains in lifts this week.

    Not taking creative or glutamate or any of that stuff at the moment maybe I need to start...
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    Charts look great!. It's nice to do this with a team on this site, thanks.

    Man I'm off to a rough start...hurt my left bicep after doing heavy weighted dumbbell shoulder presses without a spotter after already being fatigued from my upper back routine on saturday. Had to cut my chest training after six sets today because it started acting up. So I expect not much gains in lifts this week.

    Not taking creative or glutamate or any of that stuff at the moment maybe I need to start...

    Sorry to hear you are beat up right now. But don't worry about gains at the moment. It is a marathon not a sprint and it is not worth risking further injury. Ice those injuries, that will help.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Here is the excel spreadsheet I was talking about:


    The formulas are based on John McCallum's views of the perfect proportioned body.

    1. 6.5 times your wrist gives chest girth
    2. 85% of the chest girth produces the hips
    3. Take 70% of the chest girth for the waist
    4. 53% of the chest gives the thigh girth
    5. The neck size is 37% of the chest
    6. 36% of the chest produces the upper arm girth
    7. The calves come out a little less at 34%
    8. The forearms get 29% of the chest measurement


    At the very least it gives some rough estimates to aim for.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Wow, that's very interesting. Chest development has always been hard for me. Apparently, I am at ideal weight for my height right now and need to grow chest a bit more to get the %'s for hips and waist right but the others meet or exceed %'s.

    using their BF calcs I just got 12.68% which I think is more accurate for me.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Wow, that's very interesting. Chest development has always been hard for me. Apparently, I am at ideal weight for my height right now and need to grow chest a bit more to get the %'s for hips and waist right but the others meet or exceed %'s.

    using their BF calcs I just got 12.68% which I think is more accurate for me.

    I'll change your bf%. I still have a ways to go on my Chest/Biceps. Only my calves are up to par.
  • Charts look great!. It's nice to do this with a team on this site, thanks.

    Man I'm off to a rough start...hurt my left bicep after doing heavy weighted dumbbell shoulder presses without a spotter after already being fatigued from my upper back routine on saturday. Had to cut my chest training after six sets today because it started acting up. So I expect not much gains in lifts this week.

    Not taking creative or glutamate or any of that stuff at the moment maybe I need to start...

    You and me can start a sub-team... "Team Injury"! lol But in seriousness I know how much it stinks to have to cut down on your workouts cause of an injury. Especially when you just started getting into a good routine and you have goals in mind, and now you can't give your full potential. Sorry to hear about it man... I hope you heal up quickly so you can get back to it.

    I just got a knee brace (good googly moogly there are tons of them to choose from!!!) Hopefully I got a decent one. I've been icing the back of my knee and taking advils, but I might go easy on it this week too and hopefully start squats and deadlifts again next week.

    In good news though, I've been steadily increasing weight for my bench presses and shoulder presses =)
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    Here's my ideal to current numbers based on that site (given a 7" wrist)

    1. 45.5" chest (current 39")
    2. 38.675" hips (current 37.875")
    3. 31.85" waist (current 32")
    4. 24.12" thigh (current 22.25")
    5. 16.84" neck (current 14.5")
    6. 16.38" arms (current 14.25")
    7. 15.47" calves (current 14")
    8. 13.2" forearms (current 11.25")

    need to add 6" to chest, 1.5" to thigh, 2.3" to neck (that's never happening), 2" to arms, 1.4" to calves, and 2" to forearms...lol. I'm just trying to make sure I put on enough muscle this time around so that when I get down to cutting next spring I don't lose it all.
  • I have a mac and can't use excel, can you tell me the ideals a 6 1/8" wrist would give?
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    I have a mac and can't use excel, can you tell me the ideals a 6 1/8" wrist would give?

    Here's your ideals:

    Chest 39 13/16
    Hips 33 58/69
    Waist 27 86/99
    Thigh 21 1/10
    Neck 14 19/26
    Upper Arm 14 1/3
    Calf 13 37/69
    Forearm 11 6/11

    Bone Structure Light
  • Thanks whyflysouth! 27 waist!?! I don't think wrist is a very good place to start, unless I measured wrong, just above the bone, not on it. According to this I have to lose 1.3" off my hips and 6.8 off my waist! My waist is 31.5" which, according to BMI charts, and all my biology friends/doctors is about perfect for my frame.

    Ideal: (Current:)
    Chest 39.81 (36.34)
    Hips 33.84 (35.125)
    Waist 27.87 (31.5)
    Thigh 21.1 (20.5)
    Neck 14.73 (15.25)
    Upper Arm 14.33 (13.25)
    Calf 13.53 (12.75)
    Forearm 11.55 (11)

    After testing many body fat calculators that use body measurements, I have around 8-12% body fat... which is a nice increase from the 6% I had in college (an extra credit lab test using calipers and all that good stuff).

    Like I said before, I have decent upper body strength for my size, and have scrawny legs. My left side is also a bit smaller than my right. I think I need to find a different set of ideals! My priorities are: calf, thigh, chest, forearm, abs, upper arm. At least this list gives me something to look at, although far from perfect for my body.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Sorry mate, I just rechecked measurements last night.
    Chest 40"
    Forearm 12"
    Bicep 13.6"
    Thigh 23"

    Others are the same. Have grown a bit over the last 2 months :)
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    I'm losing weight - I think my starting weight is a little skewed since I ate so much over Thanksgiving break haha.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    Charts look great!. It's nice to do this with a team on this site, thanks.

    Man I'm off to a rough start...hurt my left bicep after doing heavy weighted dumbbell shoulder presses without a spotter after already being fatigued from my upper back routine on saturday. Had to cut my chest training after six sets today because it started acting up. So I expect not much gains in lifts this week.

    Not taking creative or glutamate or any of that stuff at the moment maybe I need to start...

    You and me can start a sub-team... "Team Injury"! lol But in seriousness I know how much it stinks to have to cut down on your workouts cause of an injury. Especially when you just started getting into a good routine and you have goals in mind, and now you can't give your full potential. Sorry to hear about it man... I hope you heal up quickly so you can get back to it.

    I just got a knee brace (good googly moogly there are tons of them to choose from!!!) Hopefully I got a decent one. I've been icing the back of my knee and taking advils, but I might go easy on it this week too and hopefully start squats and deadlifts again next week.

    In good news though, I've been steadily increasing weight for my bench presses and shoulder presses =)

    Yeah, for the past 8 weeks I've been doing a split routine:

    Day 1 - Back: 6 sets Lat Pull (8-10 reps), 3 sets seated row (8-10 reps), 3 sets db row (8-10 reps), 3 sets assisted pull ups (6-8 reps).

    Day 2 - Chest: 4 sets BB Bench (6-8 reps), 3 sets db incline bench (8-10 reps), 2 sets BB decline bench (8-10 reps), 3 sets pec deck flys (8-10 reps), 3 sets assisted dips (6 reps).

    Day 3 - Shoulders: 4 sets BB Press (6-8 reps), 3 sets db press (8-10 reps), 3 sets lateral shoulder flys (8-10 reps), 3 sets cable laterals (8-10), 4 sets back flys on pec deck like machine (8-10 reps), 3 sets shrugs (8-10).

    Day 4 - Legs: 4 sets BB squats (8-10), 3 sets leg press (8-10), 3 leg curls (8-10), 3 sets calves press (8-10).

    Then I might take 1 rest day and do the cycle over again.

    I hurt myself when I was attempting to do both Day 1 (back), and Day 3 (shoulders) on the same day, one after the other. Seems my bicep was worn out...

    Because of this split I might not revisit a muscle group for 4-5 days and I'm concerned that that might be hindering my growth. Do you guys have any suggestions, you think I should change things?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    How long have you been training for?

    edit: at your lifting levels I would be using a full body workout 3 times a week (as I am :))

    I do this:

    Squat 3 x 10
    Bench press 3 x 8
    Bent row 3 x 8
    Military press 3 x 8
    Deadlift 2 x 8
    Hang Clean 3 x 8

    3 mores. More weight, more reps or more sets. (in that order)

    If I make the reps then up the weight. If I don't make the reps then add an extra set. Progressive overload :)
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    How long have you been training for?

    edit: at your lifting levels I would be using a full body workout 3 times a week (as I am :))

    I do this:

    Squat 3 x 10
    Bench press 3 x 8
    Bent row 3 x 8
    Military press 3 x 8
    Deadlift 2 x 8
    Hang Clean 3 x 8

    3 mores. More weight, more reps or more sets. (in that order)

    If I make the reps then up the weight. If I don't make the reps then add an extra set. Progressive overload :)

    When do you do "more reps?" :P
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    It's been about 8 weeks, initially was mlan attempt at MAX-OT that modified by adding more reps/sets because I wasn't completely convinced that 4-6 reps would be enough put on muscle mass - looked more like a strength building regimine.

    So I've been doing something like 15 sets of 6-10 reps per muscle group but only about once a week and you're suggesting to do everything 3 days a week but only 3 sets or 30 reps all together per muscle group... I guess i could try that.
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