Are you weighing yourself too much?



  • crissi66
    I try and weigh in twice a week. Just as a reference for myself. My real weigh in days are wednesday mornings before i hit the gym. I try and hope on sunday nite just for the hell of it. But i tried weighing in everyday and it was giving me a serious complex so i had to stop.
  • AshCarlson
    Hey hunny! I know you struggle with the scale all too well. I was literally letting what the scale said in the mornings dictate how the rest of my day was going to go. I actually had my husband hide the scale from me! So now he brings it out on Saturday mornings, he and I both weigh and then he hides it again. It's sad to say I had to go that route but it was impossible for me to get a grip!

    I really enjoyed this feedback! I think I may have to enlist my husband to do the same thing...Thank you :happy:
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    IDoes sleeping longer make me weigh less? LOL. I think not

    Sleep is really dehydrating- so if you are sleeping longer and weighing less, this makes sense.

    Actually the amount of sleep you get DOES impact your weight loss (or lack thereof), but it has nothing to do with "dehydrating you". Your body releases growth hormones at certain points in your sleep cycle, and if you're asleep long enough for them to be released AND your body isn't still working on say digesting dinner or a snack, that will cause weight loss. If you don't get enough sleep for your body to get to the release point or you eat a lot right before bedtime, then you won't see the benefits.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member