Whey protein and leg cramps?

So, I have been hitting it pretty hard with exercise since the beginning of June and have been having terrible leg cramps. I actually stopped exercising for two weeks to see if it was an injury that needed to heal. During that time I also stopped taking my daily protien shake and got fitted for a good pair of running shoes. Leg cramps went away, felt better started exercising daily (bike riding, fitness boot camp 3x a week, kayaking, etc etc) and I have been feeling great, strong, running with little to no pain. Well, two days ago I thought I should go back to the protien shakes (designer whey with milk and frozen fruits and a scoop of powdered greens) and the instant I started running I was hit with those awful horribly painful cramps. I am not taking the protein again but wondred if anyone else has experienced this or has any thoughts on it? Thanks :)