Fear of lifting after back/hip injury

Hi fellow MFP's

So it has been a couple months since I last set foot in a gym.

A while back I had a lot of work on, and fitting fitness into my schedule was nearing the impossible. When I was just about ready to re-enter my life of fitness, sweet fitness, I experienced quite a nasty fall off of my horse (I know, who'd have them) and landed backwards hard on my back and hip. Nothing broken, just lots of soft tissue trauma and deep bruising.

Ever since then I have been slowly recovering, but I feel like now I am at the point where being INACTIVE is actually making me hurt worse. I've noticed a lack of flexibility, and just general inflammatory pain even when I get out of bed in the morning. All of this is not fun.

My typical fitness regime before the accident involved: Training in the gym 3 times a week for 1.5 hours a pop, of which 30 mins cardio and the rest resistance training. Then riding my horse most days for half an hour. I also eat LCHF and have done for years.

However, I have heard of horror stories about going back to lifting after back injuries. I know for sure that in a short space of time I have virtually lost all strength (mostly from being bedbound/car bound/desk bound) and I'm really struggling to know where to begin again.

Has anyone got experience of returning to fitness after an extended period of rest? I would love to hear your stories as feeling pretty low about it right now.

Peace and love



  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    My back was all sorts of screwed up from multiple traumas, ranging from tearing it up and months of recovery while moving a multi-ton paint fixture in my early 20's as well as being dragged by a car, among other stupidities of youth.

    Lifting - starting with a slow progression of weight and worshipping the Goddess of Good Form - has actually been the cure for it. I still get some morning stiffness as well as soreness from heavy dead lifts and squats occasionally, but it's worlds better in my late forties that it was in my mid-thirties when I didn't lift at all.

    Progress quickly from low weight, but always work out with as close to perfect form as you can, and things work out pretty well.

    (Edit: Autocorrect you so stupid)
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    I have a hip laberal tear that will never heal and have to be cautious but I can still lift. Just ease back in slowly and assass your pain and most of all listen to your body.

    Totally get the inactivity making the pain worse...its the depression that gets you. I was immobile after first injuring myself for several months and before that I was an avid fitness believer and had lost several pounds. I put them all and then some back on. Even of you can't lift try walking more staying active any a you can. Once you realize how good you feel if there's nothing major wrong you'll feel better and take that next step to lifting.

    And the better question would be: who wouldn't own a horse if they have the means to? LOL. Have a great day.