Marching band as an excercise?

Hey I play drums in a band that plays Italian Festivals. Is it still excercise if your heart only races a little?
If nothing else I wrestle my urge to buy the yummies from the pushcart vendors.

ANyway...last night 2 hours of marching...sometimes carrying a 15 pound bass drum...slow pace. But sunday if the rain holds out...we march for 8 hours (yes we get breaks, and fed, which is usually a very bready sub, I've been trying to cut out bread).

Yes I drink a lot of water.

SO I've been back at this site now for about 2 weeks...not sure what I've lost but my band pants aren't as snug!

If you're in Boston's North End on Sunday...I'm with the Italian American Band (our uniforms look like cop uniforms) and I am the drummer who looks a little like Al Frankin (senator/comedian)...say Hi...


  • GF125
    GF125 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes! You are moving, sometimes running even, with a weight. If you play drums, it's a much heavier weight than a piccolo. The faster the music and the more intense your marching drills are, the harder you have to work at it. Plus, if you are playing in the heat while wearing a wool uniform, that's work too.

    ESPN did a study about it: