Is anyone else more able to succeed with a to-do list?

Like a to-do list in general, or a to-eat list like on MFP.


  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    i am much more productive when i make a list...

    my list usually starts out like this...

    1. make "to do" list.
    2. cross of number 1.
    3. list everything else i gotta get done today...

    not sure what it is that motivates me when i have the list on paper. the list is always in my head, but something about visually seeing it, and the satisfaction of actually crossing something off of it, seems to do wonders for me.
  • whatyouwill
    whatyouwill Posts: 71 Member
    Like a to-do list in general, or a to-eat list like on MFP.

    Yep. I use AnyDo on my iPhone.

    Every night I plan the main activities for the next day. For example:

    Wake Up 6am
    Breakfast (Cereal) 6.15am
    Shower 6.30am
    Leave for Work 7am
    Work 8am-6pm
    Lunch at Work 1pm
    Run 5km 7pm
    Dinner 8pm
    Make Lunch 9pm

    It's obsessive, possibly.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Yes, I preplan my meals before I go to the market because this way ensures that I meet my macros.

    I plan out my exercises at the beginning of the week because I also preplan the amount of calories I want to burn eat week.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    for general items yes.

    for losing weight/maintaining yes.

    If I preplan my meals I know exactly where I need to tweak to hit macros and it gives me a good idea where I stand for the week not just the day.

    Imagine eating breakfast...logging it and realizing you had a bit more calories than intended...and then lunch comes and you go way over...with very little left for dinner you would be like AMG what can I eat for 200 calories...

    I couldn't live like that...this way I know exactly what I need to prepare, take out the freezer, tell my husband to cook etc.

    And yes I do this days in advance.

    ETA: my exercise is set tho...I lift 3x a week..normally M/W/F...this week I couldn't on wed so I did it last night, couldn't tonight anyway so will do it on Sat and get back to my regular schedule.

    My cardio eh I do it when I feel like it and not raining.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    I make lists if I have errands to run. I dont make lists for stuff that I do every single day.
  • DavidVWallace
    Wow! You are a winner! I saw your weightloss ticker... Congratulations! And it must be a task for successful people. Because most people who do this on here have lost weight.
  • dlkingsbury
    dlkingsbury Posts: 90 Member
    yes - i am crazy about my to-do lists!
  • kportwood85
    kportwood85 Posts: 151 Member
    i am much more productive when i make a list...

    my list usually starts out like this...

    1. make "to do" list.
    2. cross of number 1.
    3. list everything else i gotta get done today...

    not sure what it is that motivates me when i have the list on paper. the list is always in my head, but something about visually seeing it, and the satisfaction of actually crossing something off of it, seems to do wonders for me.

    THIS is exactly how I make to do lists.
  • Fit_Chef_NE
    Fit_Chef_NE Posts: 110 Member
    Crossing things off a to-do list is the best feeling!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I am a major fan of lists.

    When I am stressed or overwhelmed, lists help me so much. I lost my house in a tornado a few years ago and the next morning my biggest comforts were a cup of coffee & sitting down with a pen, paper, and making a huge list of all the places I needed to call (insurance, utilities, etc). I feel far less stressed once it's all in black & white.

    On a day to day basis the main lists I keep are things to buy at the store, meal ideas for the week or two week period, and when I need to complete a bunch of household tasks, errands, etc, I'll make a long and detailed list to check through -- it really helps me stay on track instead of being distracted, or forgetting something along the way.
  • exwilson
    exwilson Posts: 154 Member
    Lists are the only way to get things done in my mind. For work, I keep an ongoing to do list. For home, I write a different to do list almost every day. It's just so satisfying to cross things off it.

    And yes, I add things to my list after I've done them just so I can cross them off.
  • bluetuesday5
    bluetuesday5 Posts: 99 Member
    YES. In general I find if I make the list, it's an effort to get the first thing done then I will breeze through the rest of the list. Also for eating, I often find myself logging later meals and this keeps me disciplined as far as diet goes. I always thought I was weird, didn't realise it was so popular.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I am also on HabitRPG because it is basically a to-do list.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    Lists are my fav. Sometimes I make lists about lists i need to make. No joke.
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    Evernote is my to do list pal. I have so much project work currently and I need to have my notes with me, having them in the cloud at all times is a productivity booster.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I only make list's when I'm feeling overwhelmed. I do pre-log my food though, thats a kind of list!
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I love lists. They keep my anxiety at bay when things start getting a little overwhelming. They also help me with my craptacular memory and the anxiety that I might forget something. I also get the sweet sweet satisfaction of crossing things off when they get done.