How NOT to gain weight while on vacation...



  • Chris_58
    Chris_58 Posts: 32
    I would not worry about it, just don't go eating lots of stuff on holiday, continue your counting when you get home and maybe don't look at the scales for a few weeks when you get back ;)
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    I try to stay active and really don't watch what I'm eating. But I do a lot of walking, hiking, etc. I usually lose weight, but I think that is due to being active most of the day instead my usual 8-9 hours in front of a computer at work and only 1 hour at the gym!. Good luck! :)
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Consume the same amount of calories your body burns.

    Honestly, I suggest a FitBit. It helps you understand how many calories you use walking around in your day. Log as accurately as you can.

    But if you want some "hacks" then...
    -Only "eat out" once per day
    -Only eat half of what they give you at a restaurant
    -Stick to one alcoholic drink per day
    -In fact, don't drink calories
    -Drink lots of water
    -Pack trail mix and things to snack on where you know how many calories are in each baggie
    -Log as accurately as you can
  • HealthyStartsHere
    HealthyStartsHere Posts: 126 Member
    where are you going?

    I just came back from Italy and I lost 4 lbs while I was there. And yes, I ate EVERYTHING I wanted. Basically, you can lose weight on vacation if you aren't eating everything fried or covered in chocolate and walking alot. In the 2 weeks I was away I've seen so much of Italy - Pompeii, Sorrento, Orvieto, Rome, etc. In order to sight see I made a point to walk to get there. Explore, and have fun and just try to walk a lot. It is possible, remember intake less than outtake. :) Enjoy your trip!
  • ActuarialChef
    ActuarialChef Posts: 1,413 Member
    Be active and eat what you want, within reason. Continue to log if you can and if you feel that you need to. Try to exercise in the mornings at the hotel gym if you feel like you need the extra calories.

    Lots of people say they come back from vacation the same weight, or having lost weight. When I go on vacation, I tend to eat a ton of fruits and vegetables and not many heavy meals.

    Losing weight should be a change in your lifestyle, not a diet that comes and goes and that you "break" while on vacation. Enjoy yourself, but eat within your calorie limits (roughly) and you'll be fine.

  • mimismommy11
    mimismommy11 Posts: 80 Member
    Yup, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Try and make healthy choices, but also remember that it's your vacation so you're allowed to be a little indulgent if you want. We're going on vacation in a few months. I plan on getting my fill of seafood, taking lots of walks on the beach, and bringing my Chromecast so I can still sneak in some Zumba when my kiddo goes to bed. I'm not stressed about gaining a couple of pounds, because I will jump right back in when I get home.
  • rgrady33
    rgrady33 Posts: 48 Member
    Find time for exercise, and don't fool yourself that by being active you are burning a lot of calories unless you are doing some real physical stuff. Try to AT LEAST maintain your regular exercise routine, or if you can step it up just a bit to counter those extra calories. For food, I like to be mindful of what you are eating and try to choose some of the "healthier" options. I am not saying full-on diet, but would you rather have french fries or a couple of cocktails?
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    It's really just being aware of what you're eating.
    I'm heading camping this weekend, and I'm not the one bringing the food, but I am providing my own drinks. So I'm controlling what I have control over.
    I'm planning to eat close to maintenance calories (which for me is somewhere around 2100) and just try to keep my calories coming in from fat/sugar as low as possible. So, while I'm totally going to have a couple drinks around the fire, I'm probably going to skip the chips. Although if there's smores, really, everyone needs a smore.
    I'm also going to make sure that I'm partaking in the non-calorie activities -- like hiking, kayaking etc. So that if I do go a little overboard, chances are, I'm not going to put on any actual weight, just water weight, which realistically, you can drop within a week of being back. That being said, don't forget your water drinking while you're on vacation, especially if you're consuming alcohol.
    It's all about moderation, the same way it is when you're not on vacation.
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    I go away in 12 days (not like i am counting or anything!) and I an planning to just try and make healthier choices. We are going all inclusive so it might be difficult.

    I know I will be swimming lots and walking lots and playing in the pool with the boys so I will be way more active than I would on a normal day. I plan to take my trainers and sports bra and do some body weight workouts in our room.

    But other than that, if I want a food treat I will. I am not going to stress out too much over it really. I work long hours and work hard to pay for this holiday so I will enjoy it and not worry too much about gaining weight.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Can't help I'm afraid.... I enjoy my holiday, eating what I like in whatever quantity I like! I have 51 other weeks of the year to count my calories!
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I eat everything I want in moderation (but I ask myself if I REALLY want it before I order/eat, and just have enough to feel sated - so I don't finish the loaded ice cream at DQ, but I do have one), try to stay active rather than sitting around on my butt all day, go easy on the booze and not log. Oh and get lots of sleep and drink loads of water.

    The scale and calorie counting will be there when you get back.

    Mentally, it might be helpful to accept that you may put, say 5 lbs on (water weight), but then you'll probably be pleasantly surprised!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member

    But if you want some "hacks" then...

    -Stick to one alcoholic drink per day
    -In fact, don't drink calories

    Leaving for vacation tonight, and this one here...not gonna happen. :laugh:

    I don't worry about weight loss and fitness while on vacation. I eat and drink a lot of alcohol, but I'm also not just sitting at my desk all day long. I find I'm much more active while on vacation, even if it's just from going up and down the stairs at the condo several times a day and walking around on the beach. When I go on vacation, I want it to be fun and not have to worry about anything.
  • MPD6944
    MPD6944 Posts: 75 Member
    Wow! Thanks for all the replies! Going to Atlantic Beach and its supposed to rain at least the first few days so might be stuck inside - guess we will just go shopping! I have definitely taken notes on what to do. I went on a cruise in May and gained 6 lbs., I lost it again quickly but I'm in a good place right now with losing and don't want to break my stride.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    If you're on vacation just have fun. You will not undo all of the hard work you've done, it took years of not watching your eating habits to get to where you were before you start calorie counting.

    Calorie counting isn't a diet, it's a life choice for us real people. Go have fun, have a margarita or 10 and make sure to get a few drinks with those fancy umbrellas. When you get back you can get back on the horse.

    I highly recommend that you still record (to the best of your ability) what ever you eat, but if you fall off the horse it's ok, just get back on when you're back. This a life choice, not just a diet.

    Enjoy those umbrella drinks!
  • MPD6944
    MPD6944 Posts: 75 Member
    ^haha will do! Thanks!! :)
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    I actually made a YouTube video about this very topic:
  • sticky130
    sticky130 Posts: 101 Member
    I came back from hols 2 weeks ago, I was away for about 10 days, I forgot my fitbit charger had no internet access and so couldn't log with MFP, all self control went out the window especially as my husband threw caution to the wind as we weren't logging.

    I went up 5 pounds eek!!:sad:

    came home went back to what I was doing before I went away and in 10 days it was all gone :bigsmile:

    It was just water weight, I'm in this new plan for good and so didn't worry about a 10 day set back in the big picture of things and I was REALLY naughty with food, I must have eaten my bodyweight in ice-cream (well not really but you get my drift)

    I enjoyed myself whilst I was away and in future I now know how to control this outcome, and some water weight is inevitable.

    If it happens it happens, don't stress, if you get right back into when you come home you'll be back on track in no time :drinker:
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Wow! Thanks for all the replies! Going to Atlantic Beach and its supposed to rain at least the first few days so might be stuck inside - guess we will just go shopping! I have definitely taken notes on what to do. I went on a cruise in May and gained 6 lbs., I lost it again quickly but I'm in a good place right now with losing and don't want to break my stride.

    If the 6lbs went away quickly, it probably wasn't fat gain. Sounds like water retention.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I did 5 night cruise, enjoyed myself, did a lot of walking, gained 7 pounds, lost it a couple days after the cruise. :drinker:
  • timrpm
    timrpm Posts: 57 Member
    I booked a tennis holiday, two hours a day in the baking sun then some running on top.

    I'll be eating pretty much whatever I like :)