Triathlon (Fat, UnFit 'n' Fifty) Update at 1st August 2014

MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
Well, further to my wonderful idea of doing a triathlon next Spring time, I've got started on the basics...

...I've bought a swim suit for the first time in more years than I can remember (actually got two so I have no excuse not to swim often)...

...I've bought running gear (already have the cycling stuff)...

...I've found a shop that does the running shoe fitting...

...I've asked hubby to check my bike over and give it a bit of tlc when he has a mo'...

...I've booked an eye test so I can get goggles with lenses that I can see through (short-sighted)...

...I've started walking with attitude (try it, it's fun!) as I've had to go into town to get various things. Defintitely having an effect as I can feel my thigh muscles burning gently to themselves as I type...

...I've talked to the gym lady and booked in for a week today to start the gym (weights and cardio) bit. Caveated on the last point in this post...

...and I've seen the physio for an assessment. Unfortunately I have so many wonky bits that I have to go back on Tuesday to finish the assessment(!), but so long as he doesn't say any such activity, i.e. training to do a triathlon, will put me in a wheelchair, then I'll be good to go :bigsmile:

Have I missed anything?



  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    On your mark....get set....GO !!!!!

    Sounds like you are all ready!:bigsmile:
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    You're on the right path. Take your time ... enjoy the training ... use the event as a way to highlight how much you've improved your fitness level over the months.

    Build a training plan to get you ready for the event specific training plans. Log and track everything. Set intermittent goals ... I'd recommend focusing on distance and duration right now rather than speed ... work towards being able to swim, run, and cycle more than the distances during the tri. Speed comes on its own as you build the endurance. Think through how you train through the winter. Maybe you move all of the work indoors or you cycle and run through the elements ... but training doesn't stop.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    -Start a separate "triathlon savings account" for all your race fees and extra gadgets/tools/equipment/etc you are going to want to buy once you get completely hooked :bigsmile:

    In all seriousness though, good for you - great long term goal, and lots of time to train. Maybe check out for training plans and other resources?
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    Thank you folks :bigsmile:

    Will definitely start a savings account! I've seen the price of those bikes lol. I'll go look at that site :bigsmile:

    i talked to the gym lady about a training programme with interim mini-goals along the way, maybe a 5 here or a bike ride with hubby there (he's a keen cyclist).

    One daughter will help with the running. One will help with the swimming. Hubby will help with the cycling. Gym lady will help with the weights and cardio.

    All I have to do is turn up, right? :bigsmile: