Is this a good combo? Combining cardio and strength.

Okay so, I just restarted trying to lose weight and I do bellydancing for 30 minutes (When I get used to it, I'll start doing bellydancing 2x a day) and then I rest and later on after lunch I do strength training.

But for strength training I skip a day so my muscles can rest. (My mom told me about that one)

So is this a good combo? Also I read that pairing cardio and strength is good but what does the strength training do really?


  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    Cardio is great for your heart and burning calories. Strength training will help you preserve muscle while losing weight and will give you great shape. What some people call "toning up". They both have lots of other benefits but that's just some highlights.

    Combining them both is definitely the best idea if you are trying to slim down.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Yes, it is a good combo. The strength training will help you to get stronger. As your fat goes away, you will notice that you are firmer because of your muscles. Be sure to eat enough protein (.8 to 1 gram per pound of lean body mass) to be sure to support your muscles.

    And you are right, you want to skip a day between strength workouts. When you strength train, you are creating tiny tears in your muscles. During the recovery period between workouts, your body repairs those tiny tears and that is what helps them get stronger. So you need to give your body time to do that.