Getting back into the Groove!

Today is the day! I attended Boot Camp for 5 days in a row! I have a hard time following through with exercises and diets. I get going and then it just fizzles out. This morning my alarm was going off and I came up with every excuse as to why I couldn't go. "I'm too tired. I've already done 4 days this week. Oh, my back hurts." Yada yada. Then I thought...yes, I have done four days this week! Lets close this week out! So up and to class I went.

I always feel better for the rest of the day after I work out! I need to always remember how I feel throughout the day (minus the soreness). So today...I logged back into MyFitnessPal and start part two. I am not going to diet or do without. I am going to workout and watch my food intake...but I am not going to give up living.
