Thought I'd do an intro (even though I'm not new)!

arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
I've been on/off on MFP for the past few years, but am looking to seriously change my lifestyle - eating habits wise.

Some history -
I'm 27, I feel like I've always been "bigger" - I would say I started university around 160 with huge thighs (horseback riding as a kid) and what I call linebacker shoulders.
- Gained 30 pounds when I went on Depo Provera (birth control) and it was all a downward spiral before that.
- I climbed to about 220 in 2010, got dumped, and got my **** together. Grabbed a great workout book and learned I love to work out. That's definitely not my downfall. Made it to around 180 cutting down carbs and with a steady workout (4x a week plan).
- Graduated university, got a new boyfriend, new job (no longer had a balling gym to myself every day), and the weight started to climb again
- Got back into horses in 2011. This cut into my working out time as well.
- Started playing women's tackle football in 2012 (offensive line, center :))
- Last summer, my weight was up to 245. Really started to hate looking in the mirror every day. Started Couch 2 5k, twice a week workouts with the football team in January (was down to 236), and still was riding.
- Football season started training 3 - 4x a week in March. Pretty intense and hard to fit in much else. My position focusses more on technique, so not a huge burn cal wise, and a huge burn time wise. Weight was consistent during this time (gained plenty of muscle). Meal prep was almost impossible during this time.
- Had a few injuries (torn/pulled pec muscle, strained neck, minor concussion) which impacted my training.

Going forward:
- Football season finished in June. Started to try to focus on really getting serious about this.
- Still have twice a week workouts with the team because we are doing Spartan Sprint in Calgary in a few weeks (eek).
- Focussed mainly on dynamic workouts, burpees (for the obstacles I KNOW I can't do - rope climb, monkey bars), and long distance running. Currently I'm hovering between 216 - 218 - and I'm still not very happy with myself - I feel like even though I can see changes, I still see so many things wrong. I just did 6km Mud Hero

Once group training is over I have three main goals (exercise wise):
1. Get my pace up running - I am still so, so slow. About 9:30 min/km. I took two many breaks between couch 2 5 k workouts (I think)
2. Start the stronglifts program. I do like my bench/squat measurements now but lose form. Going to start at the beginning.
3. Ride my gelding AT LEAST three times a week - he deserves that.

Notice I didn't really talk about diet. I really, really struggle with this. I'm sure many people here do... but I really feel like I have the hardest time getting veggies in my diet. The only ones I am not a fan of are mushrooms and tomatoes... The boyfriend does most of the cooking and he's bigger as well - but isn't completely motivated right now, and I DON'T want to make him feel forced.... he's a steak and potatoes kind of guy. He -is- getting better and truly trying to make healthier meals. Any advice?! I may just have to start taking things into my own hands and cooking myself :(

Kudos for reading that... I know it was long winded. Looking for enthusiastic, hilarious people to go on this journey with me, who will tell me I'm being ridiculous/give me that extra push if I need it.


  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    Thought I'd bump this! Would love some football/horse fanatic like-minded friends on here :)
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    Bump... any like minded folks? Just hit my 30 pounds lost since last June!
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    in for "ridiculously hilarious" factor. :drinker:

    and bump bump!
  • usflygirl55
    usflygirl55 Posts: 277 Member
    Hi! I understand your struggle with "diet". I have found it easier to try and control my portion sizes and not deny myself the "junk" I love. I am not a football or horse riding person but I wanted to let you know that I did read your post and hope you find someone with similar likes/dislikes and goals as you.
    I too have been on here for a bit. I started in the spring of last year and dropped 20 pounds before getting pregnant and being required to stop exercising. I have a four month old baby at home and hope to soon get back to regular exercise. Of course that depends on her cooperation. :)
    Best of luck.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    Let's see.
    1. I like football.
    2. I rode a horse once.
    3. Uh, I eat... food?
    4. I lift.
    5. I run a little.
    6. I'm sometimes enthusiastic.
    7. Debatable on the hilarious part.
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    Let's see.
    1. I like football.
    2. I rode a horse once.
    3. Uh, I eat... food?
    4. I lift.
    5. I run a little.
    6. I'm sometimes enthusiastic.
    7. Debatable on the hilarious part.

    Pfft close enough! I'll send you an add.

    Thanks usflygirl! I love how everyone here can be so different yet they all support each other. Pretty awesome!