How do I lose weight?



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Yes. It is that easy. However, for the best health, you will want to start looking at the micronutrients in your diet as well as things like fat, protein and carbs. But let's put that aside for now And focus on calories.

    In order to track, you need to know calories. The lucky thing is that most restaurants, especially fast food, list the nutritional content of their food and, as a matter of fact, are in the MFP database. It will be up to you to research and request the best options for you, especially as you get more familiar with what you are doing.

    While it can be inaccurate, I use the food service provider, Sodexo's MFPs database entries for random pieces of lasagna, etc. they use nice basic recipes and use good standard portions. One thing that you'll need to do is research recommended portions. How much is a serving of steak? Of lettuce? Of milk?

    You will also want to get a food scale. You can buy one off Amazon. See if your neighbor will start bring you fruit. It makes a great snack. Start learning how to weigh things out.

    There are a number of people who started in similar conditions. Watching an exercise tape and simply moving your arms while sitting in a chair is a great start.

    You can absolutely do this. This is a great first step. Even if you only lose a little weight, learning healthy behaviors and caring about yourself is a major milestone. Know that there are people out here rooting for you. A year or two or five from now, I look forward to reading about your success.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    OK so do I just eat 3260 calories a day and lose weight? I can eat whatever I want as long as I don't go over that number? I don't have to eat healthy?

    First of all, please calm down and have some patience. There is no need to shout.

    No, you can't eat 3,000 calories plus and lose weight if that is over your total daily energy expenditure. MFP can help you figure your calorie goal according to how many pounds per week you want to lose, and then you and then you can eat whatever you want while staying within those calorie goals.

    if you exercise eat back a portion of your exercise calories because MFP immediately figures in your calorie deficit.

    Weigh your food, log everything you eat, and ensure that you are choosing correct entires from the data base, and you will lose weight (while staying in your calorie goal).

    She's over 400lbs. 3000 cals would still be within her dietary goal to lose weight. Trying to cut down from her maintenance too fast could leave her with certain nutritional deficiencies.

    OP, if MFP gave you that goal, stick with it for at least 4-6 weeks and adjust after that if needed.

    Actually, I would see if you could work with your doctor and have them monitor you or/and if there is a program you might be able to participate they could recommend.
    I'm not sure if you noticed the context. I said she could not lose weight on 3,000 calories if that amount of calories is over her TDEE. i didn't realize she has 400 pounds to lose. In that case, 3,000 would be too few calories.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    Check this out. She mentions the Sit and Fit exercise program.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Are you certain you entered your profile right? That sounds like a huge number of calories to me! I am 5' 7" right now at 143 lbs. and am allotted 1250 calories a day according to MFP.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    OK so do I just eat 3260 calories a day and lose weight? I can eat whatever I want as long as I don't go over that number? I don't have to eat healthy?

    First of all, please calm down and have some patience. There is no need to shout.

    My question is how many calories would one have to consume in a day to weigh 400 pounds? Then we could figure out if a person who was consuming 3600 calories a day could lose in that. Just from all the shows I watch for the super obese, their doctors put them on a much more restrictive calorie intake than that, like 1000 to 1500 calories a day.

    No, you can't eat 3,000 calories plus and lose weight if that is over your total daily energy expenditure. MFP can help you figure your calorie goal according to how many pounds per week you want to lose, and then you and then you can eat whatever you want while staying within those calorie goals.

    if you exercise eat back a portion of your exercise calories because MFP immediately figures in your calorie deficit.

    Weigh your food, log everything you eat, and ensure that you are choosing correct entires from the data base, and you will lose weight (while staying in your calorie goal).

    She's over 400lbs. 3000 cals would still be within her dietary goal to lose weight. Trying to cut down from her maintenance too fast could leave her with certain nutritional deficiencies.

    OP, if MFP gave you that goal, stick with it for at least 4-6 weeks and adjust after that if needed.

    Actually, I would see if you could work with your doctor and have them monitor you or/and if there is a program you might be able to participate they could recommend.
    I'm not sure if you noticed the context. I said she could not lose weight on 3,000 calories if that amount of calories is over her TDEE. i didn't realize she has 400 pounds to lose. In that case, 3,000 would be too few calories.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I live in an apartment building, but I do live alone. I only have one neighbor that visits me. She is a sweet lady. She helps me with everything that I need. I don't know what I'd do if she moved or if anything ever happened to her. I know it's time for me to do something about my weight. All I do all day long is eat and watch TV. This is no life for anyone.

    No it's definitely not a life for anyone. I wish you the best, but it's only you that can do this, and personally I think 3200 calories is too high. It's going to be a tough go, and it's going to take time, but at your weight if you went down to 2500 calories a day, you're going to peel off weight quickly at first. At least then you could become more mobile to start walking and then burn more calories. As you continue to lose the weight will come off more slowly, but if you stick with it you'll get there.

    If it's just too much for you to take on, my next suggestion would be to see a doctor to see if you're eligible for weight loss surgery.
  • jamieyuerek
    jamieyuerek Posts: 15 Member
    I agree--Patty, you should go to the doctor to make sure you don't have any underlying conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes. They can safely monitor your progress and give helpful resources for support. If the doctor clears you as a candidate for exercise you could try chair exercise. There are some free videos on Just type in "chair exercise" in the search column. Best of luck!
  • blue__hydrangea
    Are you certain you entered your profile right? That sounds like a huge number of calories to me! I am 5' 7" right now at 143 lbs. and am allotted 1250 calories a day according to MFP.

    She's 650 lbs. She would definitely lose weight on 4000 or less.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I live in an apartment building, but I do live alone. I only have one neighbor that visits me. She is a sweet lady. She helps me with everything that I need. I don't know what I'd do if she moved or if anything ever happened to her. I know it's time for me to do something about my weight. All I do all day long is eat and watch TV. This is no life for anyone.

    No it's definitely not a life for anyone. I wish you the best, but it's only you that can do this, and personally I think 3200 calories is too high. It's going to be a tough go, and it's going to take time, but at your weight if you went down to 2500 calories a day, you're going to peel off weight quickly at first. At least then you could become more mobile to start walking and then burn more calories. As you continue to lose the weight will come off more slowly, but if you stick with it you'll get there.

    If it's just too much for you to take on, my next suggestion would be to see a doctor to see if you're eligible for weight loss surgery.

    Why should she cut herself back to 2500 calories if she doesn't need to?

    If MFP gives her 3200 calories, then let's see how that works before inserting our expertise (I'm assuming you do have a degree in this???). Let's figure out sustainable first.