Gym after Pregnancy

I had my baby 3.5 weeks ago. I feel completly normal. I know we are supposed to wait 6 weeks to go back to the gym, but I feel sluggish. I need to get back into a routine. It was not as bad when I was pregnant because I was still active, even if I was not in the gym. And I am sure the baby took all my extra calories. My weight is pretty much the same before as it is now. Is it REALLY THAT important to wait 17 more days to go back to the gym?


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Move a few words around and you have "is 17 days really worth risking my health when I could just wait two weeks and get my doctor's blessing?"
  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    You're a nurse so you already know what can go wrong if you do too much to soon.

    Right now you have this beautiful new life to cherish. Babies are only this tiny for such a short time. Treasure these next 17 days. Then spend the next 18 years being healthy & active with all of your children.

    Your weight loss so far has been amazing, so you already know you'll be able to lose those post baby pounds when the time is right.