Original and different ideas for exercising

Hi everyone,
So I hate running and I hate the eliptical. It's just not something I enjoy doing at all and it does not motivate me at all. So I am looking for ideas of workouts I can do at home that are different from treadmill or eliptical kin of exercise. For example I really enjoy dancing as a workout. So if you think of anything let me know I'd love to try new things!


  • Do 1 repetition of each excercise then keep increasing by one, so the next round is two reps of each excercise then 3 etc up to 10 reps. Have a break then reverses it 10 repetitions of each down to 1

    Jumping jack
    Tuck jump (big jump knees up on the spot)
    Switch lunge
    Mountain climber
    Sit up
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    check out bodyrock.tv and zwow online. they have some good at home workouts
  • sakuya3834
    sakuya3834 Posts: 116 Member
    I recently started doing Blogilates and like it. It's pilates based, but a little more intense than what most people think of when they think of pilates. The workouts are all online for free and can be done with almost no equipment.

    Also if you like dancing maybe you'd like Zumba. There are some videos on Youtube with that as well.
  • phyllb
    phyllb Posts: 735 Member
    Try downloading Hotspot Five
    Good way to dob5minute routines based on type excercise u like
    Boxing is great cardio and core
  • ajax041813
    ajax041813 Posts: 136 Member
    check out youtube for fitness videos. There are a lot of channels you can subscribe to so you get new videos when they come out as well. I love blogilates too! Piyo is my current fav!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,405 Member
    YouTube has some good work out videos, if you like to dance try Hip Hop Aerobics, or even Bollywood Dancersize! Very silly and fun, but it will wear you out!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Here's one. Go into a big empty room. Or a room with an empty space a relatively decent distance away.

    Do 20 pushups.

    Walk to the other side of the room.

    Do 1 pushup.

    Walk back to your original position.

    Do 19 pushups.

    Walk back to the other side of the room.

    Do 2 pushups.

    Back to the start, do 18.

    Follow this pattern until you do all 20 pushups on the other side of the room.