Make ahead breakfasts?

I really like to make breakfast sandwiches for breakfast, but I was wondering how well they would keep if I made a bunch for the week and stuck them in the freezer? If not, is there a way to make making them quicker? I'm a college student, so I'm pretty busy. These are my three favorites on an english muffin:

- Egg, tomato, avocado
- Egg, Cheese, Tomato, Sriracha
- Egg, Spinach, feta, tomato, hummus

Any other make ahead meal ideas?


  • jjeanmneis
    jjeanmneis Posts: 83 Member
    Check out Six Sister Stuff website Slow cooker freezer meals : Make 8 meals in 1 hour. There is also one for 10 slow cooker freezer meals in less than 90 minutes.
    I haven't tried these yet, but I'm planning on it.
    Let me know what you think if you try them
  • nopotofgold
    nopotofgold Posts: 164 Member
    I don't think so the bread would get soggy in the reheat and the egg could easily get rubbery form over cooking.
    You can always get on of those microwave egg container things to speed up the process but have it fresh.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I made a good breakfast with guinoa that served for. It's in the recipe topic if you do a search for Breakfast Quinoa. The recipe serves 4. It's adaptable to any dietary needs or issues.
  • latelunch
    latelunch Posts: 1 Member
    Fritata - you can make a big one at start of week and reheat a section each day - only 90 seconds in microwave - or you can eat cold. The best thing is you can put just about anything in a fritata.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    All three could work. The texture might be different. Try them and see how you like them.

    I would probably save the tomato for the morning I eat with the toasted muffin.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I put egg whites, spinach, cheese, avocado, tomato in muffin tins and then freeze them and reheat on demand in toaster oven. 8 mins on 400, I pop it in while I get dressed by the time I'm ready to go it's done, no soggy rubbery egg from the microwave.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I put egg whites, spinach, cheese, avocado, tomato in muffin tins and then freeze them and reheat on demand in toaster oven. 8 mins on 400, I pop it in while I get dressed by the time I'm ready to go it's done, no soggy rubbery egg from the microwave.

    That is wonderful.
  • ajax041813
    ajax041813 Posts: 136 Member
    I've made my own breakfast sandwiches before and put them in freezer exactly like you are saying. Mine also had homemade sausage! I made the eggs and froze them in a bag by themselves laid flat in the freezer. I have mixed all sorts of things in my eggs, I prefer to chop them up pretty small and mix the eggs together and cook them in the oven in well greased muffin tins. I would think this would work for you. Then I made the biscuits while the eggs were freezing, and again froze them separately from the eggs. Once everything was frozen I assembled them in small freezer bags for my convenience. I did notice upon reheating that the biscuits did not reheat at the same rate as the eggs. The eggs were much faster, so I would put it all in laid out separately on a plate, take out the eggs after a few seconds (it's been awhile since I've don this so I don't remember how long, sorry!) and let the biscuits reheat as needed.

    I would also just make a bunch of egg muffins like I listed above, egg & veggies cooked in muffin tin and reheat for snack. It worked well for me. We have an hour drive to work so anything I can think of to speed up the mornings is beneficial to me. We don't like leaving dishes in the sink and al that so doing the make ahead and just reheating with a paper towel over a plate helped us a lot.

    Have you thought of morning smoothies? You could make them the night before and have breakfast and a snack even, ready for transport the next day! Just a thought....Hope this helps you!
  • katieca123
    katieca123 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks for your ideas so far! Definitely some things to try