The math of cheating.

I just wanted to clarify something.

I am 2kgs away from my goal weight (that is 4 pounds).

I am happy with taking a long time to lose the last 4 pounds, and trying to be less restrictive than previously so I don't go crazy/freak out when it comes to trying to maintain.

Sorry, I'm going to annoy the hell out of everyone by talking in kjs.

From what I understand, there is no function to 'complete this entry' for the week (giving you an estimate of weight loss based on weekly consumption and exercise).

I take a 'cheat day' some weekends, to allow for going out with friends/ ect. While my usual daily intake for gradual weight loss is 5, 500kj, I normally consume around 8 000-9000kj on a cheat day (that is, around 2000 calories)

Is it just a matter of math?

Like, my RDI for maintaining my weight is 6698 kj (that's 1601 calories). So my weekly RDI would be 42 000kjs.

My week, factoring in this cheat day is a little bit under that amount (because on Friday I had a hectic day and ended up under)

So if every week was identical to this week, I wouldn't lose OR gain weight?

I understand that it can significantly slow down my weight loss. But I am not concerned about that. I am just wondering if I can allow for this without gaining weight.
