Killer at Large

I reported in another post that I've been feeling under the weather today, so I decided to watch some educational shows on Netflix. I watched one called Killer at Large: Why Obesity is America's Biggest Threat. It talks about how the USA is manipulated by food companies and that even people that are members of the USDA and Surgeon General are often affiliated with certain food products before they were appointed to their currently positions. It makes our system of food saftey seem very corrupt.

Also, what infuriated me was the portion of the documentary that discussed that student lunches must be at LEAST 600 calories to be funded by the government... and they don't care if they're more than that. I'm a teacher and I sometimes each student lunches, now I don't think I'm going to. Who knows how many calories I'm consuming. And what makes me the angriest, is the types of foods being served.... it's about money, not what's healthy for our children.

The show also looked at how the food industry tries to sway our children into making the wrong choices. If you're a parent, it's definately something you'll want to see. Let me know if you decide to view it and what you're opinions are!



  • lindseyelyzabeth
    lindseyelyzabeth Posts: 33 Member
    since you have netflix, you HAVE to watch "food matters" and "the beautiful truth" - they seriously changed how i look at everything i eat. amazing.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    You know, the problem is that part of the school lunch program has been to feed children who don't get enough food at home. There are still some children in that boat. But unfortunately, MOST of our children are getting fat. I would applaud changes to the school lunch program. I'm pretty sure my grandkids think the 4 food groups are pizza, chicken nuggets, fruit rollups and granola bars!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am not saying that the show is inaccurate but there is certainly evidence that the diet industry is making a lot of money off of the obesity epidemic, and some evidence that suggests ideal height-weight is arbitrary and absent illness, being obese isn't bad for you. I guess I am pointing it out because one of my lawschool professors wrote this book, "the obesity myth" and claimed that the media is responsible for crushing healthy body images (particularly women's); how the dieting industry perpetuates the myth of obesity for its own gain; and how yo-yo dieting cycles have destroyed more lives than obesity ever will.
    I find these kinds of debates interesting and I have netflix so I will check it out.
  • lukybug
    lukybug Posts: 209
    "Food Matters" was an awesome documentary. My husband and I watched it and wow! is all I can say. Makes you think twice about what you're putting into your mouth.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I think I have Food Matters in my Netflix queue. I'll have to check that out next. I definately agree that a lot of people are making money off of obese individuals too: supplement companies, pharmacedical companies, hospitals. It's a vicious cycle of corruption, with a lot of people gaining money from the obesity of others.

  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    Based on your post, I just watched this video. The information is invaluable. It just pisses me off to see how the American government responds to this kind of thing. ugh.