support system? where

DJJW Posts: 519 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
So I had to go out and find my support system with a bunch of strangers....I do have a support system, just not for weight loss I guess. Many of my family and friends are heavier than me and complain about their weight, but NEVER do anything about it. When I turn down piece of cake you would have thought I'd made a personal attack on them. So I end up eating it, so they don't feel bad. Now I feel bad, cause I just set my weight goal back. Also I have friends and family who don't need to worry about their weight. They eat CRAZY amounts and look great! Then there's me....35lbs larger than I was in my prime, I can exercise 5 days a week, watch what I eat and start to loose, but the SECOND I even look and something over my calories its all back on, or I plateau for weeks. With everything to do in one day why is it food that has to be counted and measured and " no I can't have that ? " While my husband munches on everything in sight and lost 15lbs this summer without any extra really, he didn't try to loose it, he just did! NOT FAIR. He tells me I'm looking good and doing a great job (which is always nice to hear) but its while he's drinking a beer and munching on a bag of chips! I want a beer without feeling like I just drank my calories!!! Anyone else feel the same?


  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    You have to decide which is more important - the beer and chips, or the weight coming off. I am struggling a bit myself these days (for different reasons - my hubs actually eats pretty healthy). I have learned that for some people, they can kind let loose now and then, but I just cannot. It helps to all be on the same page. When I was thin about a year and a half ago, it was because my WHOLE family agreed to eat healthy and exercise. Now that we're all doing different things, it is not going so well for me.

    Have you sat your family down and told them how much you want to be healthy? It's hard to do, but it definitely helps to all be on the same track. MFP folks are a good support system, too, though. :flowerforyou:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Welcome to MFP where you'll find the best support around!:wink::flowerforyou:
  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    I hear you... I have no support system other than on here... I was 149.6 lbs last spring (I'm 5'3) and I have gotten down to 136 (finally a healthy BMI) and the only person who says anything about my weight loss is my boyfriend, who is complaining about it.. (He is a complete prince other than with this subject) He gets kind of upset at me if I refuse to have nachos (my old best friend/ worst enemy).. He is really physically fit and does not work out and eats like a horse.. So when I take portions that are half of his, he accuses me of starving myself!!!!!!
  • It is not the suppose of others that keeps up, however its the support inside yourself. You just need to ask yourself.. how badly do I want this? It is simple and that is what it comes down to.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    It is not the suppose of others that keeps up, however its the support inside yourself. You just need to ask yourself.. how badly do I want this? It is simple and that is what it comes down to.
    Very well put! In the end it comes down to how bad do we want to be healthy and fit, I agree:drinker:
  • lorellew98
    lorellew98 Posts: 3 Member
    I know how you feel. My whole family is on the heavier side but the thing about them is they do not care. I am the only one who is constantly worried about my weight. I love to eat and drink. My family celebrates everything with food..just they don't have the guilt that I feel after I eat like them.

    To make matters worse my husband is a cook at a restaraunt. He LOVES food and is not even big. He just thinks I need to be happy but I never am. I put my time in at the gym but my struggle with the food keeps my weight bouncing up and down.

    I am hoping one day it will all come together..either I am content with where I am...or I do finally get down to where I want to be. Nothing I can do but try to do my best everyday to manage it.....Hang in there!!! :)
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    ... I can exercise 5 days a week, watch what I eat and start to loose, but the SECOND I even look and something over my calories its all back on, or I plateau for weeks.

    I know how you feel! Especially when you mention that those around you are a) able to eat anything and "get away" with it, and b) take it as an insult if you don't stuff your face. It's so unfair... and it's hard to keep the goal of being healthy first and skinny second at the front of your mind when there's a slice of cake sitting in front of you with people telling you to eat it. Hang in there--we're all here to support you when you need it!
  • Guatamellon
    Guatamellon Posts: 102 Member
    It is not the suppose of others that keeps up, however its the support inside yourself. You just need to ask yourself.. how badly do I want this? It is simple and that is what it comes down to.

    I totally agree with what he said. Also when you turn down the cake or whatever is a couple of times it gets them thinking to :) Where they will want to join with you. Just keep it up. Turning down things for me is will power and it honestly makes me feel better. Good luck with your weight loss goal. You can do it.
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Thanks guys:)
  • I can sympathize with that on the people around me eating stuff I wont. I work in a college union and there are always meeting that get catered here. In the past I was one of the "vultures" who would head to the room after the meeting let out to see what was left. Now I turn down the food almost(I get weak some days) every time and the rest of the staff looks at me like I have too heads when I say no.

    I just remind myself that loosing all the weight has made me far happier than the food ever did. Don't let others make you feel bad because you don't have their habits. Just tell them you like yourself more after losing the weight and your happier because of it. Their choice to eat poorly doesn't have to be yours.
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