Calorie Deficits

I'm 21, 5'1", and currently on a 1200 calorie plan. I've been sticking to it pretty well, and I try to go to the gym every other day at least, if not every day. Believe it or not, I actually feel satiated with eating 1200 calories, to a point where I don't feel a need to eat back the calories I burn exercising (I only go to the gym for about 30 mins and burn around 250 calories). Is this healthy? I haven't seen the scale move in over a week now and I'm just kind of wondering what gives.


  • lukewind
    lukewind Posts: 177 Member
    If you are staying true to your calorie intake and are getting exercise the pounds will eventually start to come off. Our bodies can hold onto a lot of water sometimes and that can skew any results. Plus if you are exercising the body uses water to repair itself and if you just started you have to give your body time to transition.

    Stay on your diet for another week or two and if you don't see any pounds gone by the end of that then you need to look and make sure you are counting calories correctly. You should be weighing everything you eat down to the gram. Eyeballing portions does not work and can add back a lot of calories you didn't think you were eating.

    If you are doing everything correctly for a month and see no difference then I would go see a doctor just to rule out any conditions that can prevent weight loss. You are probably fine and one week is not long enough to judge results so just stay at it and you will see results over time. I can go a whole week and not see the scale move at all, but then get up the next day after my normal weigh in day and all of a sudden I have lost 3 pounds. Weight loss is not linear and as you progress you are gonna hit plateaus that will frustrate the hell out of you, just know that if you stay with it they will pass.

    Good luck!